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'Prefooter' -in icmsbootstrap

Subject: 'Prefooter' -in icmsbootstrap
by PortDude on 2015/3/23 7:37:22

Hi All,
Making a new site and customizing the ICMSbootstrap theme. ITs cool because Im familiar with Bootstrap so glad to see this marriage!

Any rate, I notice in the theme.html file that there is a section
for Prefooter (which is also a common holding place in many a bootstrap site)
<{if $xoBlocks.prefoot}>

This implies that there is blockcontent available here..
However, I don't see a file for a prefooter block in the theme set, nor is it an option in blocks position.

I haven't found much documentation on this theme so I'm just wondering are we supposed to create a new block via admin or am I missing a file? lol

Hope that makes sense. -thanks!