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Re: 2 languages at 100% on softaculous

Subject: Re: 2 languages at 100% on softaculous
by fiammybe on 2019/4/23 6:00:59

<p>that's currently a work in progress, which I should document a bit better. For the wrong reasons, I chose country-specific languages in Transifex to translate into, so the base language is UK English (en-GB) instead of plain english (en). I've created the 'plain' languages, but Transifex doesn't just let you change a language, you have to export everything and import it into the new language. That's the reason why there are multiple double languages, where one is at 0%, and the other more filled up than that.</p>

<p>I've created the targets already, but haven't started the transfer progress, that's something I plan this week normally, if there are no technical hurdles that pop up.</p>