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Curious about Github Codespaces

Subject: Curious about Github Codespaces
by fiammybe on 6/2/2023 14:11:22

Hi, I'm curious if some of you have experience with Github Codespaces. I tried some similar services some years ago but they were very clunky, more or less a remote desktop via your browser to a virtualised pc.

The user experience wasn't great, and the features were severely limited. I don't know if all this has improved enough for me to look into using Github Codespaces as an alternative to a local IDE.

For some codebases, my laptop (a nice but slightly out-of-date Surface Book 2 with only 8GB of RAM) is starting to get limited by it's RAM, but adding RAM is no option, I'd have to replace the entire laptop. For the price of a new laptop, I could work many hours on Github Codespaces

Curious if you have experience with this.