Php handlers like suphp as related to .tar.gz file ownership (chown) and permissions (chmod) |
Subject: Php handlers like suphp as related to .tar.gz file ownership (chown) and permissions (chmod) by thomas on 9/2/2008 11:22:59 I got a new server the other day. And as a result have had a bit of a learning curve. The server is setup with cpanel/whm, apache 2, php 5.2.5, mysql 5.0.45 community & runs in suphp mode out of the box. I transfered some of my sites off of Wills server using whm. Anyway in saying that I had some interesting problems that I have never had to consider for my sites. Just the learning curve of trying to get all the owners and groups chown the right way to run with suphp. Then the chmod permission on all the files and folders half to be set to folders 755 & files 644. I did get them all sorted but it was a pain. Now I been trying to work out a way to build my site in a much more efficient manner. You see I move about two moths ago out into what I call "BFE" Bum guess Egypt. My internet connection is crap 26k to be exact. So instead of building site after site and uploading this and that. That I was going to build one mega site and clone from that one to any others I might build. This in its self is a major time saver. Anyway back to the topic. In testing this approach I uploaded xoops.tar.gz because I didn't have a impress.tar.gz I only had the .zip Now I thought in my mind I want to keep this server as pristine as possible. Thats why I went for the tar.gz because it supposed to be native. Well to my amazement the permissions are all set to 777 for files and folders. This was not something that I caught onto in the first 5 minutes either. It took me a few days to understand why in the heck xoops was in error on this brand new server. In a nutshell the .zip version has no permissions set to the files and folders. So when you upload the .zip version what ever permission and ownership the server has the files and folders from a .zip will inherited those features. The tar.gz is total mess trying to get up a running in a secure environment. So im not sure if this might help in the docs section or not. Or if the problem can be addressed in the released versions for a native impress install for linux/unix/bsd. Any ideas on how I can install impress using a .tar.gz with out so much work would be awesome. |