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Re: Php handlers like suphp as related to .tar.gz file ownership (chown) and permissions (chmod)

Subject: Re: Php handlers like suphp as related to .tar.gz file ownership (chown) and permissions (chmod)
by thomas on 2008/2/9 12:16:05

Will let me ask you a question. Do you think winscp has an export feature for custom commands? That way we could all figure out what works and offer a download of the commands. This way you could load up your winscp fast.

So what im asking you to do is export your commands from a winscp and send them to me... lol


MrTheme wrote:
This may even be easier.

cd /path/to/dir
chmod -R 755 *
find -type f -print0|xargs -0 chmod 644

This will change everything to 755, then you do a search for non-folders and chmod them to 644.

It definitely needs to be owner/nobody.

Yep your correct but that is only for the public_html folder. Once inside public everything is owner.owner and 644,755

Root will not work on any handler like suphp or phpsuexe.