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Re: we need to integrate new password algorhythm ASAP

Subject: Re: we need to integrate new password algorhythm ASAP
by Vaughan on 2008/3/12 9:02:51

i agree Giba, although myself and wishcraft got off to a bad start, we are both now amicable towards each other, we both over reacted, me so because when trying to help someone I was deemed a bad person simply because of who I am and my relationship to ICMS.

However I hope that this history can be cleared up.

As i have just proved, security issue aside. When people collaborate & help each other, everything moves more fluently aswell as calmly.

Security has to be a high priority. Up until yesterday I had never attempted or even knew how to properly inject SQL into a url. But since starting with ImpressCMS, I have done some reading, and it seems that my reading is paying off slowly.

You can't properly secure something unless you understand how SQL injection works and XSS, this is what I am currently learning in my own time. and yes I also agree it is far better when someone who hacks your site, tells you exactly how they did it, a demonstration shouldn't be needed, but it is more helpful to know why that exploit works, once you know the why's, it is far easier to protect from it. But saying that, it can be difficult to spot a vulnerability by looking at code, so essentially, we need tools to help aswell. a cracker/hacker is a great tool because it's a real person who you can talk with (providing they are willing to offer assistance).

and assistance I will also give to Wishcraft should he require any. afterall, it's the users who suffer most when these kinds of exploits get attention from the wrong people & ICMS, XOOPS, XC, Joomla etc are nothing without their users.

@giba: the new password algorhythm uses the PHP 5 native hash('sha256', $password); function.

but there's a fallback standalone script if php5 hash function is not detected, as will be the case for PHP 4 users. so both PHP4 & 5 users will not have any problems.