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we need to integrate new password algorhythm ASAP

Subject: we need to integrate new password algorhythm ASAP
by Vaughan on 2008/3/11 16:16:41

i just provided an online demonstration of an exploit in xtorrent module to it's author.

in the demonstration i obtained his admin uname, password hash & email address.

scarey? well not as scarey as the fact it took 2 seconds, yes 2 seconds to decrypt the md5 hash back to plaintext.

i then logged in using the decrypted plaintext pass.

i created a custom block from admin, with info of the demo.

i have not done anything serious to the site, and the owner does now accept that sql injection is a major cause for concern. & he is aware of my access.

really if it took 2 seconds to decrypt the hash to plaintext and login, then we really need to push the new password encryption branch into 1.1 ASAP. in fact it's a security necessity..