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Re: To the moderators

Subject: Re: To the moderators
by Tom on 2008/12/10 2:37:58

Hi Wilson.


Yep, youre right! The issue ocurred with diferent versions of xoops (including 2018) and with Impress 1 ín diferent servers/ countries.

Sorry if I did it in a wrong place.

You did the right thing, I think perhaps it's not clearer enough on the ImpressCMS websites how people should report security related issues.

I've just proposed we create a security related link in the sub headers of these sites which would direct to a form where users can make their reports or at minimum a page which would give clear information and advice on how to report security issues.


PS. in order to not scare me to death, please next time send me a PM

I'm still not entirely sure who removed your post, but I'm looking into it, I've sent a mail to users with moderator access and requested that as a courtesy all users should be informed when their post is edited or removed.


Thank you Tom

No problems

From Giba


Hi Wilson, eu não tenho acesso em sua mensagem original, enviar no meu e-mail ou do Rodrigo, please. [/quoted]

Translated for the benefit of English readers:

I do not have access to your original message, sent in my e-mail or the Rodrigo.