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Re: We need a test site

Subject: Re: We need a test site
by Northern on 2009/10/5 17:44:56

I'm surprised to see a few things,
and even more surprised that i done see a few things.

Is this test site for the mods and admins of ICMS, or is it for the masses?

If for the masses, the following questions apply.

The list of modules "working modules" is a good thing.
But they are not visible to a guest...

What about a list of "working free themes"

A timer to show how much time is left until the site restarts "Refreshes".

What about the ability to log in and a user or admin?

Knowing others don't play fair, some re writing of a few files will need to be done to insure they cant completely turn of the site.
( Ive got the old indestructible Xsite vers.2.0.16)along with a few others..