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Hosting options

Subject: Hosting options
by fiammybe on 2021/7/28 9:09:39

Currently our site is hosted on Siteground hosting, but unfortunately they did  major upgrade recently which removed their support for Softaculous. As you may know, ImpressCMS is available on softaculous for (even yèt) easier installation and upgrades, and so we needed to upload all files ourselves and short-circuit our Softaculous installation.

My other hosting provider also has Softaculous, but due to a misconfiguration on their part, I need to intervene manually in order to get a first install working. Bummer.

I would love to have DigitalOcean, AWS or Azure (or other services) easy to install available but I'm not using any of those at the moment so I don't now what would be the best to focus on to get working. Vanilla Docker Compose perhaps?