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Re: Updates and upgrades for 2.0

Subject: Re: Updates and upgrades for 2.0
by fiammybe on 2023/1/10 14:29:42

The 2 points I'm encountering while testing 1.5 currently is an issue with seemingly non-declared constants when installing under PHP 8.0, and deprecated filter types when installing under PHP 8.1 (I think I don't get to the point where the non-declared constant is used, the filter types throw me out sooner ). If those 2 points can be fixed, I think we could consider moving what is currently identified as 1.5 directly to the 2.0 release.

And, as a matter of fact, we should think of writing a new ImpressCMS compass, to identify the direction of the project and put it somewhere explicitly. We all have good ideas and the best intentions, but our efforts lack a common direction