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Re: Updates and upgrades for 2.0

Subject: Re: Updates and upgrades for 2.0
by fiammybe on 2023/1/29 7:03:39

For the time being, nothing changes to the github setup, even though it may be a bit confusing. The 1.5.x branch is being prepped to work under PHP 8.0. From the number of changes that need to be done, we accumulated quite a bit of technical debt there.

@skenow asked the question if we shouldn't just release the new version with PHP 7.4 support only, but I have some issues with officially releasing a version for an already deprecated PHP version

For those of you that are adventurous : the current codebase works perfectly well under PHP 7.4

Things I'm currently doing is upgrading the external libraries. Some of them (like HTMLPurifier) need a version upgrade to be PHP8 compatible.

Granted, this 8.0 requirement is turning out to be much more than anticipated, but I'm confident that it is a step that we need to take. It will give us better code overall, which is always a good thing stability-wise.