Re: Working on ImpressCMS - micro-blog |
Subject: Re: Working on ImpressCMS - micro-blog by fiammybe on 2019/8/31 14:29:04 I just returned from Laracon EU in Amsterdam after 2 days of inspirational talks and exchanges with members from the Laravel community. Several talks in the unconference caught my attention: How did they organize in Github to manage ideas, development and bugs, and another one was about how to take on a legacy program and move it over to Laravel. Although one of my projects in the near future will be to work on a laravel-based instance of ImpressCMS, something more directly actionable came from the talk by fellow-countryman Dries Vints, who works at Laravel. In order to keep focused, they have an entry repository in Github where ideas are posted, and where discussion around those ideas is done. From time to time, they go over these ideas and decide to implement some of them. That means that their base repository only contains tickets that are ready to be worked on, and the list isn't 'polluted' by wild discussions that go nowhere. As a result, I created a new repository this morning for ideas (, and I am currently transferring as many tickets that aren't yet fully worked out towards that repository. |