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Re: new 2.0 release

Subject: Re: new 2.0 release
by skenow on 2023/2/18 19:46:42

I was also thinking this release should address Google Analytics 4 over Universal Analytics - UA will stop working/reporting in 4 months (July 1).

This is kind of tricky, since we can't determine if a site has been converted, or if the new GA4 property tag has been created. Going through this for myself, the ID is different, so both the code and the ID need to be updated for a site.

I see you have implemented this as a plugin on this site, @fiammybe, and removed the section cf the core code that inserts the ga snippet into every page. Maybe we do that for both options - create preload plugins and have the administrator activate the one they use. Assume they are using UA (since that is what the core is injecting) and move that to preloads with the upgrade. Provide an alternative for GA4.