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Re: new 2.0 release

Subject: Re: new 2.0 release
by skenow on 7/5/2023 12:07:45

There are quite a few more occurrences of $icmsModule throughout the core. In some cases, it is also being assigned, so it is a  valid use. Rather than go though all 240 instances, I'm focusing on the results I get with some key functions and modules.

As of this point, I have tested these modules with the upcoming New 2.0 release

  • imBlogging - minor updates necessary. Already committed to my repo
  • imTagging - minor updates necessary. Already committed to my repo
  • Content - working, once core data types handing was addressed
  • iForum - not working. Needs a bit of an overhaul to deal with $icmsModule changes
  • Profile - not working. Needs a bit of an overhaul to deal with $icmsModule changes
  • Simplywiki - 2.0.0 RC does work (I just need to finish up the release - it's been out for a long time)

Most of what remains is going to have to be done in the modules.

PHPMailer is going to need an update, which I've got staged locally and doing  a basic test before committing. I'll put that in another PR.

Here is the main pull request - - and my working branch -