Replacing Slack by Discord |
Subject: Replacing Slack by Discord by fiammybe on 18/8/2024 7:54:59 As we've all noticed, slack is making the service less interesting for our needs by limiting the visual message to the last 90 days. Personally, I've used slack to go back and search for stuff that goes way further back than that, certainly now that the amount of slack messages had dwindled, mostly because of that restriction I guess. My goal was to figure out how to import our slack history into the ImpressCMS forums, but after a quick analysis I came to the conclusion that the data structures are too different. Slack doesn't really work with topics and posts. It can, but it's seldom used that way. And iForum isn't meant to keep the chronology of the topics in order. In a new version of iForum (or its successor) we could figure out a way to handle that, but that's not for tomorrow, and I would like to have this information, and a more active discussions, back up by tomorrow. Tomorrow, that is 19th of august 2024 I looked around and I have setup a Discord server for ImpressCMS, onto which I am now currently migrating the data from our slack channels. The import is running, and I'm up to 22 september 2014, so I guess it will still take a while until it has finished. Once that's OK, I'll make the server details available below. |