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Re: [HOWTO] Translating Onokazu Xigg

Subject: Re: [HOWTO] Translating Onokazu Xigg
by ep98 on 2008/5/1 6:53:58


Each person has his personal preference. I need Xigg in Portuguese only to meet future end users.

I think all the modules can better adapt to a site or another. This kind of remark about better or worse is very subjective.

You are right and Xigg is nice module, just make backups :)

... and I will stick with current way of maintaining language files for OOPS - in ASCII .PHP files, it will take about 2-3 years for any oops to move to GNU Gettext and to make a built in translator like Drupal 5.0/6.0.

And u are lucky with your countryman, no matter how down goes from time to time, they're fellow xoopers, and now impress fans, did u see how much time is downloaded Impress 1.0 BG Translation - 0