Re: [HOWTO] Translating Onokazu Xigg |
Subject: Re: [HOWTO] Translating Onokazu Xigg by 63RD on 2009/5/5 19:23:52 hi! i installed xigg121 on icms112final and it works great with zero errors. problem: i cant save my po files with po edit. i can only open other po files, but not save it. i alwas get an "invalid plural value" error. could someone share the right values? i tried quite a lot, but none of them bypassed the fatal error when saving. im looking forward to get this running in german. i just tried the japanese utf8 files and they do work, so i guess the problem that some translation doesnt show up has gone. could you help me? im a complete noob on po and mo file editing. thanks! |