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Some question and suggestion about language files

Subject: Some question and suggestion about language files
by exp on 2008/8/17 7:14:46

Dear ICMS user, dear icms und supporter

Before i start with my topic, this is not a critic and not any kind of bad words what i have to say. My motivation is only that we all can make some things a little better, for all of us!!! Normally i should wrote my words in the german community, but 1st i think it can be a international problem and 2nd i will not that Rene means my topic target to him, this is not my intention!

Today i work on the wfdownloads module and today, altough i work some years ago with the excellent module, i must change some things in the german laguage files. In the course of my changes, i ask myself, why can we (the icms community) can not bring the language files on one level, specially i mean the versions number. I will give a example what i mean (see the attached files, pictures 1 to 4):

On pic 1 you see and screenshot from the administration panel, and you see the first line is empty. But i should mark "Yes or no" ... :-X

What should i mark? See for the answer pic two, a screeshot with the english language file.


The next example is, see a screenshot in german with the the button labels (here pic 3) and you will see it in english on pic 4.

For the non german user, in the first moment there is not a error, but the english button "Reviews" called in german "Eintrag erstellen" what in english mean, create a new file or a new download.


I´m not a nitpicker dear friends, but i think in this moment not that i know what means this labels, with a click on the button i can see it, i think for the user (in our cases i think at the teacher we support). Sure i can change this in my eyes - error - and give it back to the german and the international community (i my case, i have sometimes the problem, i must change the defines of some entries, that it makes more sense for the appearance). But now comes what i mean we can do a little bit better.


The english language file admin.php has the version number:
$Id: admin.php,v 1.23 2006/11/05

The german language file admin.php has the versuion number:
$Id: admin.php,v 1.19 2006/05/25

Can we not say, we all work on the language file, to correct now all little error or the things we miss and give the files a identical number?

I anythings change, we can give the next version number of that file, if anyone search the curent- or subversion system he can search for the newest files. This i mean guaranteed that all international language files comes to one (at least near) level.

How could we handle that if you see it like me?

Greetings Andy