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Re: arabic Translate (RTL)

Subject: Re: arabic Translate (RTL)
by GibaPhp on 26/10/2008 1:00:28

Hi Janoubie, you is welcome here.

As reported Stranger, Arabic and Persian share the same direction in the language RTL. See our SVN that there is a place reserved for receiving the translations of their language. Any doubt as to participate to send translations, send in the forum here and the team will help.

SVN: languages

ps: my 1st language is portuguese

Conforme Stranger informou, Arabic and Persian compartilham a mesma direção no idioma RTL. Veja em nosso SVN a existência de um local reservado para receber as traduções de seu idioma. Qualquer dúvida de como participar para o envio de traduções, envie aqui no forum e a equipe irá ajudar.