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Japanese Version trial

Subject: Japanese Version trial
by hisapapa on 4/11/2008 21:03:30

From the new release of ImpressCMS 1.1, I started to challange to make Japanese language files.

See Japanese Alpha version site

Now I check the performance for Impress CMS Japanese and after checking, I will send Japanese(utf-8) language files.


In installing ImpressCMS 1.1, I had a trouble about e-mail address to image process.

in include/protection.php , 13 line
$emailAddress = urldecode(base64_decode($$HTTP_GET_VARS['p']));

After change to below, the trouble disappeared.
$emailAddress = urldecode(base64_decode($_GET['p']));

I think this was because of my server, but if some person has the same trouble, try it.