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Re: How do you install the Chinese Langauge pack

Subject: Re: How do you install the Chinese Langauge pack
by talon39 on 5/3/2009 12:05:16

Ok, I found that schinese_utf8 is listed as an optional language in the user's profile settings, but when i change it to schinese_utf8 and save the profile settings, nothing changes in the way the menus as displayed. Everything is still in English.. When I go back to the Profile settings, I see English displayed. Do I need to change some chmod some file/folder permissions to get it to work?
Also, this is not a very useful way to incorporate multiple languages. If someone finds my website, they will want to see an option to change to their native language on the homepage.. If they can't speak English, the will not register, and therefore they will not discover this option in their profile settings.. Is anyone else successfully using the Chinese language pack? If so, how did you implement it?