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Re: Boiler - let's call it 0.2 - Ready for testing!

Subject: Re: Boiler - let's call it 0.2 - Ready for testing!
by skenow on 2012/3/26 11:50:28


hmm, what else...

I have begun playing with a concatenator - this php file (boiler.php) is in the extras folder - place it in your icms root path and enable the option in theme_settings or skin_settings. Used little at this time, but it will get better over time. You could find this very useful if for example you used the extra meta file to include your own scripts. concatenate them to reduce http requests people.

One consideration I am thinking about is putting all the media queries into a single css file instead of making so many requests - this might be a little more user friendly - far less files to deal with...

Going back to the renderMetas() exercise - would this be the place to add a css and js concatenator and minifier? Would we want to do that on the fly for every page load, or cache results based on some parameter?