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Re: Store Module Feed Back

Subject: Re: Store Module Feed Back
by Will on 2009/12/27 16:06:52

Thanks - like I told you though - these errors are meaningless to everyone here - because you are using a version of the store module that I have modified well beyond what anyone else has. So the store module everyone else is using is different from yours and yours is still like (idk is there anything before Alpha?) Fetal.

Your store module is under a fetal status.

Some of them - yeah people will be able to reproduce or see a solution for - like the tag issue(which I will be getting rid of completely in mine)

Anywho, please let me finish before you report any more errors - if the errors are bugging you - remove the module and wait for it to be completed, or uninstall my version and install the original version - then you can report errors all day long because everyone else will be able to reproduce them.
