Welcome Jeff!
A warm welcome to Jeff Greenhall, another chap I met during my (short) journey on the XOOPS core team. Jeff has become a very good friend since then and he definatly has some talent which could benefit the ImpressCMS project !
Welcome Jeff !!!
Someone can add it to the feature tracker ?
Thanks !
It certainly could be possible to make a guideline to make it easier.
But I'd guess it could be easier for new modules, rather than existing code.
I don`t know if someone has just posted it, but i think 'd be great that future modules can be cloned easily. I think we have to have to define some standards rules on how to make a module.
One rule can be to always include a header.php or any file in the include folder that define some constants or variables to refer to the module. I have seen some of this in the myalbum module.
For instance this 'd be very useful on cloning news module!!! Once i needed to clone it and there were a lot of people trying to clone the .53 version and couldn't .
Finally i could but it take me some time...
Its a very good idea.
In fact - I believe at least one of our team has already done some interesting work with the login area before now...
Just wanting to know if someone think on implementing captcha in the Login Form....
Welcome Debianus!
I don't know if we will have time to implement it, but there was an installer (i think the XT project?) which would allow you to install modules and themes upon loading....?
Just an idea:
In the download page of impressCMS, we can offer THERE some basic modules packs for people who just want to start using it.
for example "Download ImpressCMS", and behind it "Download This modules pack that include News, contact form, etc to start using ICMS",
Other way: offer ImpressCMS Core and besides ImpressCMS Core with some modules ready to install. Two packages, one for people that just want to start using it and other for anybody(developers :) )...
Welcome in Debianus !
nice to see another great person here !
I vote for module packs. I think this will help to make upgrades easily and to define teams for developing in separated pieces of code more easily too.
I thought one time that would be useful to suggest downloading some modules in the installation process. So when you finish the modules would be installed. But not to download the core and modules together.
Marcan: How do tasks differ from branches? And where would release snapshots be located?
Anyonw could create a branch in core/branches/ and develop soemthing there. Then, more "experienced" developer (which I don't like the term) would review the changes and merge them in the trunk.
It's the same thing as submitting patches on SF, but with a branch on SVN, it's easier to merge, and if we release a new version before including someone's work, then we could as this developer to merge his branch with the new release, so it's less work when merging to the trunk.
It's a community/team efforts and the work of everyone in the community (including us of course !) gets in the next release sooner !
Well Sato has already done some very good module packages - which he has ready for download on his site: xoops-magazine
I believe these would be a good start
Hi Debianus!
Good seeing you here - and thank you for joining us!
I guess that the Open development would happen on either a branch or task then?
Ok so here is a formal proposition :
We include quick start "mini-modules" so basic user can install ImpressCMS already add some pages. No advanced features. Very simple module to add pages of content. And perhaps other few things we can think of, but we stick to minimal
We will also try to have people crating modules pack to help users download cool modules. But this should really be handled by the community, perhaps by the addons.impresscms team ?
Hello; some of you know me and I have had working with you in the last months happily.
Introducing myself: I am offering support in esxoops (spanish site), working in xoopswiki, in xoopsaddons, in spanish translations (eÑe project) and in the Comms/Docs Team in this site.
I hope that I can help here too (in the measure of my abilities).
I am very happy of this discussion. When I talked about this in the XOOPS world I was crucified every time .
I would like to propose an SVN structure for our project. Proposition can be found here :
ImpressCMS SVN Structure