Re: ImpressCMS logo

  • 2007/12/6 21:46:38
  • snow

Here are some more samples.. and changing the yellowish orange to some other colors. I like apple green.

The slogan is added, don't know if that's the one. And an exclamation mark, don't know if that should stay or go.

P.S. I'd draw a leaf but I don't know how to

Array (impresscms & xoops themes)
"what is essential is invisible to the eye" Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
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Re: Keeping the changelog

Yesterday, I committed changes in revision 14, including updating the changelog. Later, young-pee committed revision 17, including changes to the changelog, which wiped out my changes to the changelog. I updated my sandbox and made another commit, revision 18, again with the appropriate entries in the changelog. Revision 19 reverted to revision 17, going back to a previous version of the changelog.

The changelog will be the most edited file in the repository and we need a process to make sure all the changes get recorded with every revision.

Christian Web Resources
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Re: Date language other than English

Yep, I worked many hours trying to find a solution. I promise I will do everything I can to fix this after our first release. Perhaps other great developers on are team will also have solutions to propose. Bur for now, I would really like to see the items mentioned in the 0.5 version of our roadmap ready for jan 1st.

But we'll fix this sooner or later

Marc-André Lanciault
Founder and CEO INBOX International inc.
Co-Founder ImpressCMS
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Re: Keeping the changelog


We've already had some collisions on committing changes and the changelog is suffering the most. We need some sort of agreement on how to handle this so we keep this from getting too crazy.

Not sure I follow you steve but one thing is for sure. Everytime we add a feature of fix a bug, we need to a line in the changelog and the commit.

Is this what you meant or is it something else ?

Marc-André Lanciault
Founder and CEO INBOX International inc.
Co-Founder ImpressCMS
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Re: Date language other than English

I understand what you mean ...

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Re: Date language other than English

Maybe a short followup post, and explain my motivation.

Their are two types of importent data, one the content, second the date. All websites powered by xoops in languages other then English are forced to use numeric date notations (eg 12-02-2007), while notitions with real day and month conversions would aprove the users experience (seeing wednesday instead of only 12). It's hard for me to explain it in English, let me know if my issue isn't clear enough.^^

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Date language other than English

In 2006 I reported a bug in Xoops that there is a real problem in date notations in languages other then English. The bug was confirmed by Marcan and Mith, but Skalpa never had the time to review/solve the problem.

Short explenation:

When dates are called like: Wednesday 12th of May, you can't let Xoops translate it into Dutch for example (it would be displayed/renamed to "woensdag 12 mei"). We have tested it with other languages/server configurations etc, but it seemed the main problem lies in the Xoops core.

SF bugreport:

Xoops forum thread:

edit: typo

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Re: Not commiting my own mainfile - Please help me !!!

Oh I understand now steve. Yes this could work.

Anyway, again :

So the best thing is probably to accept that our mainfile on the SVN will get changed from time to time, but we can live with it. We can always revert the changes, it's no big deal...

Marc-André Lanciault
Founder and CEO INBOX International inc.
Co-Founder ImpressCMS
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Re: Keeping the changelog

I rather like how Nekro arranged them - separating fixes, etc - so it is easier to read.

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Keeping the changelog

We've already had some collisions on committing changes and the changelog is suffering the most. We need some sort of agreement on how to handle this so we keep this from getting too crazy.

Christian Web Resources
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Re: Not commiting my own mainfile - Please help me !!!

marcan - I only export to another directory when I start, not for every edit. I make changes and test in my copy and when I am satisfied, I make the changes to the sandbox copy and commit.

Leaving the mainfile out of the distribution is OK with me, as long as the installation processes still work.

Christian Web Resources
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Re: Not commiting my own mainfile - Please help me !!!

Just have to try and remember ... just like I need to remember to comment any changes

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Re: Not commiting my own mainfile - Please help me !!!


I have only worked with SVN/CVS a little, so I export a copy of my sandbox to my local server for testing. When I'm happy with it, I merge the changes into my sandbox copy, then commit to the repository.

I personally cannot work like that as I usually practically test my changes after each line... So I would not export it every time.

So creating mainfile at installation can be an idea. But the permissions are an issue I think...

So the best thing is probably to accept that our mainfile on the SVN will get changed from time to time, but we can live with it. We can always revert the changes, it's no big deal...

Marc-André Lanciault
Founder and CEO INBOX International inc.
Co-Founder ImpressCMS
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Re: ImpressCMS IRC channel


Dave_L wrote:
You realize, of course, that we'll be talking about you behind your back.

HAHAHA! I'm use to it.

JMorris (aka James Morris)
ImpressCMS Professional Services: INBOX International inc.
James Morris Online | Frolicking on the playground that is the Internet...
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Re: ImpressCMS IRC channel

You realize, of course, that we'll be talking about you behind your back.

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Re: ImpressCMS Theme

WOW! #6 is Stunning! I love it!

JMorris (aka James Morris)
ImpressCMS Professional Services: INBOX International inc.
James Morris Online | Frolicking on the playground that is the Internet...
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Re: Not commiting my own mainfile - Please help me !!!


Dave_L wrote:
Another approach could be to not include a mainfile.php in the distribution package; the file would be created during installation. But that introduces another complication: the directory containing mainfile.php would have to be writable.

That kind of approach is rather commonplace among my systems and the directory would have to be writable anyways in order to write to cache and templates_c.

Not including mainfile.php and generating it during install sounds pretty logical.

JMorris (aka James Morris)
ImpressCMS Professional Services: INBOX International inc.
James Morris Online | Frolicking on the playground that is the Internet...
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Re: Not commiting my own mainfile - Please help me !!!

Maybe Steve's method is the only way of doing it. That's my method too. It also solves the issue of temporary changes for testing and debugging.

Another approach could be to not include a mainfile.php in the distribution package; the file would be created during installation. But that introduces another complication: the directory containing mainfile.php would have to be writable.

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Re: ImpressCMS Theme

I really love ana's site6

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Re: ImpressCMS IRC channel

I'm just being paranoid. More than anything, I'm too lazy to learn yet another chat system.

JMorris (aka James Morris)
ImpressCMS Professional Services: INBOX International inc.
James Morris Online | Frolicking on the playground that is the Internet...
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