Well Jmorris, I can tell you this, it's more safer to close your port 80 and just stick to the irc protocol^^
Excellent James,
Try to bring him to work with us to include this in ImpressCMS.
I know this is a bit premature, but I'll mention it anyways because I'm currently working on it.
I'm working with the developer of http://www.oiopublisher.com/ on squashing any bugs and improving the XHTML rendering of the system. It's a very promising ad management system that supports the following ad formats:
* Banners/Buttons
* Global/Per Post Text Links
* Paid Posts
* Custom Ad Services
* Modular backend with "Conversation" module
* Google compliant with a nofollow option
Simon (the Dev) is very much interested in opening the development and extending the application to other platforms. He has some excellent concepts lined up for the application and I think it would be an ideal candidate to replace the outdated banner manager in the core as a "modular" replacement.
I'll have more information on this soon. For now, we're working on the latest release which will include a "conversation" module for social blogging.
I believe ohloh.net is an important (and very cool ) site about open source. It provides many information about open source project. I have already created a project for ImpressCMS and have enabled it to analyze our SVN so it will gatter som statistics about commits, code, contrib utor, etc...
I would really appreciate if everyone of you could :
- Create an account on http://www.ohloh.net/
- Configure your geo-location in your profile
- Add ImpressCMS to your stack
- When you will have committed on our SVN, wait a day or 2 and then go the list of ImpressCMS Contributors and as soon as you see your SourceForge username, please click on it and click on the button "This is me" so Ohloh can associate your Ohloh user account with your SF username.
One of the thing that was never really done in the last years for XOOPS was proper promotion of our product. We need to promote it everywhere we can. Ohloh is one of those place.
Thanks !
Can you remove the extras folder that had GiJoes code in as well?
Unless we want to put the old xoops one in for any reason?
/backend.php => old rss feed link, requiring Herve's news module
/extras/theme_x2t => let's dump all the old themes
The problem with mainfile.php is that is is a file that NEED to be versionned. It's easy to ignore file that ARE NOT versionned. But it is not the case with mainfile.php.
If I follow the previous comment, then I would need to do an SVN REMOVE on mainfile.php so then I could add it to ignore list. But then the mainfile.php would no more be present on the SVN. So this is not working.
The only thing I see is to always remember to uncheck that file for commit when we are doing an SVN commit at the root of the project....
Or am I missing something ?
I've added the GiJoe fix that caused so many problems - to class/smarty/xoops_plugins/
The old version could be moved to the extras folder, and message changed to reflect this inclusion for legacy purposes?
oops, found it here - http://xmtd.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/xmtd/branches/2.0.18-reboot/htdocs/user.php?revision=28&view=markup
Where did this little bit in user.php come from?
It would be good if whatever theme we uses, also makes use of at least one extra block positions of ICMS as well...
And we could do with some new themes including at least one that uses the multi-block definations....
Now theres a challenge
Only problem - we'd have to include some simple instructions to tell people how to set them up.
There are files/folders in the trunk that need to be removed, either because they have no current function, or because they just need to ...
/backend.php => old rss feed link, requiring Herve's news module
/extras/theme_x2t => let's dump all the old themes
sound ok?
Now that I am starting to understand svn a little more, this makes a lot of sense.
From the Tortoise SVN help
B.8. Ignore files which are already versioned
If you accidentally added some files which should have been ignored, how do you get them out of version control without losing them? Maybe you have your own IDE configuration file which is not part of the project, but which took you a long time to set up just the way you like it.
If you have not yet committed the add, then all you have to do is use TortoiseSVN → Revert... to undo the add. You should then add the file(s) to the ignore list so they don't get added again later by mistake.
If the files are already in the repository, you have to do a little more work.
Move the file to somewhere safe, not inside your working copy.
TortoiseSVN → Commit the parent folder. TortoiseSVN will see that the file is missing and you can mark it for deletion from the repository.
Move the file back to its original location.
Add the file to the ignore list so you don't get into the same trouble again.
If you need to remove a whole folder/hierarchy from version control, the procedure is different again.
TortoiseSVN → Export the folder to somewhere safe, not inside your working copy.
TortoiseSVN → Delete the folder from your working copy.
TortoiseSVN → Commit the deleted folder to remove it from the repository.
Move the exported folder back to its original location in your working copy.
Add the folder to the ignore list so you don't get into the same trouble again
I can do that, but before finalizing our rules, we should probably wait until more developers have had a chance to provide feedback here.