Re: Automatic database upgrade for non-module objects?

this looks like a very elegant and minimalistic change, kudos for that!

Taking the module upgrade route would also have been my choice.

Topic | Forum

Re: Automatic database upgrade for non-module objects?

Well, some experimenting has gotten me the results I was looking for - with a pretty small change to icms_db_legacy_updater_Handler::upgradeObjectItem(). Here's how the first lines look -

  function upgradeObjectItem($dirname, $item) {
        $module_handler = icms_getModuleHandler($item, $dirname, null, true); // this is changed

        if (!$module_handler) { // added this branch
                $module_handler = icms::handler($dirname . '_' . $item);
        if (!$module_handler) {
                return false;

Then, in the system module's upgrade file I added at the end

    if (!$abortUpdate) $newDbVersion = 45;
    if ($dbVersion < $newDbVersion) {
        $icmsDatabaseUpdater->automaticUpgrade('icms_data', array('file', 'urllink'));
        /* Finish up this portion of the db update */
        if (!$abortUpdate) {
            $icmsDatabaseUpdater->updateModuleDBVersion($newDbVersion, 'system');
            echo sprintf(_DATABASEUPDATER_UPDATE_OK, icms_conv_nr2local($newDbVersion)) . '<br />';

After upgrading the system module, I had the 2 tables I needed. Updates of other IPF modules still work.

Any unexpected risks? Another few sets of eyes on this would be fantastic!

Topic | Forum

Re: Automatic database upgrade for non-module objects?

It would be a major undertaking to rework this and I was hoping there was something to leverage that I wasn't seeing. In order to get this done and the keep this release moving forward, there's a couple of ways to proceed.

1. Do what's been done in other releases and include the table structure manually in the upgrade script (see modules/system/include/update-13.php)

2. Replicate the icms_db_legacy_updater_Handler::upgradeObjectItem() method and modify the new method (or just embed it in the upgrade script) to not rely on the object being part of a module

3. Find a way to modify the icms_db_legacy_updater_Handler::upgradeObjectItem() method to allow for other objects like these in different locations (the library folder), or at least for these 2 objects and their tables.

If we can get it done and take a small step in the right direction to deal with all the other components, that would be ideal.

Re: Automatic database upgrade for non-module objects?

The system module is a strange animal On the one side, it contains functionality that should be part of the IPF classes, on the other, it looks like a mini-core,with submodules that are similar to full-fledged modules, but not quite.

I discussed some time ago with Mekdrop that we should be downsizing the system module and spinning out some of those functionalities into separate modules (like comments, ratings, ...). That would solve some of those issues, but that's not for right away though.

Automatic database upgrade for non-module objects?

I am working on migrating some modules and started with downloads. I discovered my site did not have icms_data_file and icms_data_urllink tables in the database because we never added them to the upgrade scripts when we added them to the installer (in version 1.3.0). The Downloads uses those tables and I'm working on adding them to the database and addressing this for anyone else who might be in the same situation.

If these were module tables, there is an automatic upgrade method that looks at the object and its variables and determines the name and structure for the tables and adds or applies any necessary changes. At this point, I haven't found similar methods for these objects - and there are quite a few. Avatars, comments, notifications, files, URLs, images and image categories, users, groups, group permissions, private messages, autotasks, blocks, ranks, templates, and probably a few more - I haven't gone through them all. They all seemed primed and ready for this approach - am I missing something?

Re: Replacing Slack by Discord

yes, the new restrictions on Slack are pushing 'freeloaders' away, but I suspect that is the underlying reason Slack is now becoming tougher for non-paying users. The era of free money is over, and all these tech companies are now facing the harsh reality that someone needs to pay their bills. Reducing the bill by reducing the non-paying users is an easy step in that way.

Re: Replacing Slack by Discord

Yeah. forums wouldn't work well for instantaneous conversations. Private messages or email also have some delays. For us - we're separated by a lot of time zones, so when I'm posting this, you're asleep. When I get home from work and can sit at the computer for a while, it's 7pm GMT-5. Just so we know people are listening, this was on my suggested posts today -

Re: Replacing Slack by Discord

A temporary link is available here to test :

The import is being throttled, so I'll resume the remaining channels tomorrow. The most important ones are already there

Re: Replacing Slack by Discord

I don't know. Real-time chat has different discussions and needs than in a forum. The 'hey, how are you and how is the weather?' messages don't really go well on forums I think

Re: Replacing Slack by Discord

Thank you, David! Recovering the data from Slack and organizing it will give us some more visibility into past conversations.

Even though we can't easily migrate the channels and conversations from Slack to iForum (currently), would it make sense for all new conversations to be maintained here?

Re: Replacing Slack by Discord

We are 4 hours into the migration of the data (we're talking of a 6MB Slack export here) and we're still going strong. Currently busy importing the #devel channel from Slack.

Re: Replacing Slack by Discord

update : we're in 2015 now. Still uploading data.

I'm looking into the github and ohdear webhooks as well in the meantime.

Replacing Slack by Discord

As we've all noticed, slack is making the service less interesting for our needs by limiting the visual message to the last 90 days. Personally, I've used slack to go back and search for stuff that goes way further back than that, certainly now that the amount of slack messages had dwindled, mostly because of that restriction I guess.

My goal was to figure out how to import our slack history into the ImpressCMS forums, but after a quick analysis I came to the conclusion that the data structures are too different. Slack doesn't really work with topics and posts. It can, but it's seldom used that way. And iForum isn't meant to keep the chronology of the topics in order. In a new version of iForum (or its successor) we could figure out a way to handle that, but that's not for tomorrow, and I would like to have this information, and a more active discussions, back up by tomorrow. Tomorrow, that is 19th of august 2024

I looked around and I have setup a Discord server for ImpressCMS, onto which I am now currently migrating the data from our slack channels. The import is running, and I'm up to 22 september 2014, so I guess it will still take a while until it has finished. Once that's OK, I'll make the server details available below.

Re: ImpressCMS 2.0 Beta 1

I have the core in its latest code version working on PHP 8.3 since a few hours, and no issues until now that are related to the core.

The big challenge will be the modules : I've been able to test with imBlogging and imTagging, but the content module for example doesn't even install, and neither does iForum2.

ImpressCMS 2.0 Beta 1

Feedback for ImpressCMS 2.0 Beta 1 : put it here

Re: what is the digest in iforum used for

I would agree with that - there are other platforms that allow you to select your notification options - every message, or a daily/weekly summary. The manual action of 'digesting' a post would put more in control of the forum admins on what is included.

Re: what is the digest in iforum used for

As a matter of fact, I didn't really understand the use case, but I get it now : this could be part of a site-wide functionality that is then used for a weekly//monthly newsletter 'things that you missed', or it could be in the welcome page of the site : activity since your last visit.

I see, it's something that will not be present in the first iteration, I'll be focusing on the forum part itself, but it's something to be listd under 'opportunities for new modules'

Re: what is the digest in iforum used for

I'll remove that feature from the new version of iForum I'm preparing. It can be added later if there is enough demand for it.

Re: what is the digest in iforum used for

It was carried over from NewBB.

It's one of the 'Topic Options' at the top of the page. And there is a spot in the module's control panel to view Digests. Beyond that, I'm not sure - I don't see any notification options related to Digest.

There is an icon for digested topics on the forum index page, too.

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what is the digest in iforum used for

Can anyone tell me what the 'digest' functionality in iForum is used for? And whether it IS used? 
