I put this one temporarily on hold, so I can help get 2.0 out the door.
Yes, that was it. I think that was prior to the all the disagreement over the refactoring of the UI and assets. There is another branch that was based on the 'retro' branch that came out of it. https://github.com/skenow/impresscms/tree/features/installer2.0
Would that be the feature/impresscms_2.0-installer branch?
I still have the work we started to update the installer which was mostly a single page.
Probably because I didn't get further than that page on the mockups. I've been trying to get it to work in an actual installer, and I've gotten as far as the creation of the admin user at the moment. So it's proceeding in the right direction.
It's looking good, David! I wasn't able to get past the DB connection page in the mock-ups, I'm not sure why.
Looking forward to adding this to our upcoming release.
Progress update : the base design is running, and I'm currently implementing the specific changes that are remaining page by page, while testing that the functionality remains. Currently, I'm stuck at the paths page - you can't create a trustpath.
I think this will be ready for test in a few days. PR will be incoming soon.
I am working on mockups for the installer. I'm not ready to rewrite the whole thing, but in the short term I can make sure it looks more up-to-date than the original MrTheme design. I'm still making mockups before I will start updating code, but this is where I'm at at the moment. I have the mockups available at https://beta.impresscms.eu/install2/index.html at the moment. Have a look around and give me your feedback.
I started some time ago to recreate a bootstrap 5 theme that looks similar to the venerable iTheme for way past. I'm not there yet, but the homepage is already starting to look acceptable. Have a look at https://www.impresscms.eu/?theme_select=icms-b5
<p>I think I found the reason. When you look at the code in the admin sections, they all use hardcoded paths to the system module. Not all of the pages are in <a href="https://github.com/ImpressCMS/impresscms/blob/branches/impresscms_1.4/htdocs/modules/system/icms_version.php">the icms_version.php file</a> as templates.</p>
<p>For example, when I take the <a href="https://github.com/ImpressCMS/impresscms/blob/branches/impresscms_1.4/htdocs/modules/system/admin/customtag/main.php">/htdocs/modules/system/admin/customtags/main.php</a> file, and change the last line that says</p>
<p>$icmsAdminTpl->display(ICMS_MODULES_PATH . "/system/templates/admin/customtag/system_adm_customtag.html");</p>
<p>and change it to </p>
<p>I get a nice white section where the custom tag manager used to be. I think it is something related with the paths in the filename, but I'm still looking into that to make sure.</p>
<p>as a matter of fact, I have the base theme template working, so the admin control panel renders in the new system. It's the system module that I have issues with because at the moment I have this kind of Frankenstein combination of a mobile-first responsive shell, and a nineties-inspired table-based interior.</p>
<p>There are 2 theme selectors - 1 for the user side and 1 for the admin side. To skin the admin area, have a look at libraries/icms/view/theme/Factory.php and the method getAdminThemesList(). There is where the override is set for the admin area. The core looks for the overrides in either modules/system/themes/ or themes/<your theme>/theme_admin.html</p>
<p>As a matter of fact, similar changes were done by @debianus in the preparations for the 2.0 branch. I'll have a look there to see if I can spot a change that should be backported to 1.4</p>
<p>I'm working on a new admin theme that should be clean and very light based on bulma (https://bulma.io). I was hoping to include it with ImpressCMS 1.4 as a responsive, modern alternative admin theme.</p>
<p>I have the admin section itself working more or less (always a few details that crop up from time to time) but I seem to hit a blank when I adapt the template files for the different pages in the system module. When I change the template files in the module itself, I get the results I want, but when I update the correct files in the theme (like I do with all other template files), nothing happens. Is the 1.4 system module not ready to be skinned by a theme?</p>
<p>sorry for the late reply. To uninstall a theme, you need to do 2 things.</p>
<li>You need to go to the admin Control Panel (ACP) and choose another theme as standard in the ACP -> Preferences -> General Settings -> Default theme</li>
<li>You need to remove the folder of the theme from your server. Currently that is not yet possible from within ImpressCMS, you will need to use a FTP program or one of the tools hosting providers offer to upload/remove files on your hosting solution.</li>
<p>I installed themes (bootstr3.0.3 /yours) some time ago. It seemed to install, but the reaction of template mangr-module was slightly wrong (I think). Is it possible to reverse this install?</p>
<p>I am working on an updated version of the Bootstrap3 theme on Github : https://github.com/fiammybe/impresscms-theme-bootstrap3</p>
<p>This will be a cleanup and a small evolution based on the things I've learned working on the new design of the ImpressCMS site. </p>
<p>After that, the big goal is to get a Bootstrap4 version up and running.</p>
<p>This is so stupid... I allready have 3 & 4 cols but I don't manage to reagerange widths. ... still the problem also is that I'd like a true template, not the fix and trix stuff that I'm now into. And really... I'm not sure how the menue positioning can allow 3 and 4... ist almost like the themes in my space is not connected to my site.</p>
<p>Another way to do it would be to find a theme that has roughly the columns you want, and start modifying it to suit your needs. You do not need to know much about html or css, I only use the basics, and have no clue at all about Javascript. That doc should cover enough to get you started.</p>
<p>My problem is several since I want a 3 + 4 cols site (non centered).</p>
<p>"master index /theme" ==> 3 cols and 4 cols (my widths).</p>
<p>To understand the doings and really manage my site I must understand: Theme manager /master-html &css /theme-widths(accordingly) /OR working around manually together with mentioned factors.</p>
<p>Being a newbe its often possible to start lean and work uppwards. In this case theme and procedure around must be deconstructed as a whole before understanding and building up my stuff. One must see the complet steps of the coder to understand the nube situation.</p>
<p>From simple upwards is easy - To deconstruct the whole "big part" is very complex. (I don't handl this and and also requested a price suggestion via PM).</p>