It's not just Apple blacklisting Flash anymore. The latest versions of *all* major Android browsers no longer support Flash. As far as mobile device support goes, Flash is rapidly going down with the ship.
Maybe this is not news, I'm just sayin :)
Hi Manleboss, welcome to ImpressCMS!
I'm not really sure what you mean by 'spider'. I've looked at the theme, but I couldn't find a reference to that. Could you explain more in detail what you mean?
FR: Bonjour Manleboss, bienvenu chez ImpressCMS!
Je ne suis pas tout à fait sûr ce que tu veux dire avec le 'spider'. J'ai cherché dans le thème, mais il n'y a aucun référence à cela. Sais-tu nous décrire cela plus en détail?
Bonjour à tous,
J'ai télécharger le thème montecristo, mais je n'arrive pas à installer le spider.
Pouvez vous me donner la solution?
Merci d'avance
Hi all,
I download the theme montecristo, but I can not install the spider.
Can you give me the solution?
Thank you in advance
Could the theme to use become an attribute of a symlink? Then it would be very easy to do this kind of thing. I think that's in the direction the defacer module works.
If you change enough code (HTML, CSS or PHP), you can accomplish anything. That's not what people choose a CMS for, most of the time they don't want to (or can't) change the source files. So we should look into making requested features available in the ACP when they have enough interest for our projected user base (the 80% rule).
debianus wrote:
Yes, but it is a hard work and it seems strange that code is not working.
Better wait the great Boiler theme and its skins options.
you can create a big brother theme with just logic like if module == wiki include this else that.
This is much easier in Boiler because of skins. :)
you can create a big brother theme with just logic like if module == wiki include this else that.
This is much easier in Boiler because of skins. :)
Does your theme for the wiki use a different HTML markup, or just different CSS?
If it is just different CSS, you could conditionally include the CSS in the theme based on $icms_dirname Smarty variable. You could probably also do the same for the HTML portion, too.
Something using the "Defacer" module - which is based on Symlinks - could be used to change the theme on any link starting /mdoules/wiki to the new one
Although I'm sure a simple code based solution should be possible... perhaps even a simple check from within the theme itself of the current module being used?
I am trying to use an special theme for wiki module.
I mean: I have a default theme and I want to use a different theme only for wiki module.
I have tried two possibilities; no success.
1.- Creating a PHP block with this content and visibility only for all pages of wiki module:
another Barrier broken down in 2.0! Way to go!
Easy enough to query the files in the paginationstyles/css/ folder - in fact, it will be in 2.0 very shortly.
update libraries/paginationstyles/paginationstyles.php and replace all the existing code with this
Agree with David. Some of my themes have special pagination styles and get out working require modify core files.
I like to see this as the new standard pagination for impressCMS.
I like the fact that you describe the 'paginationstyle' option at the end. I think it would be interesting to eliminate the need to manually add the reference to the paginationstyle.php file. I'll add that as a todo.
Yesterday I wrote a new posting in the Wiki (German Community) about the ImpressCMS Pagination and added a new style with CSS3. It will working with all browsers.
Check out the the code from here:
And have a look into the online demo:
It's fine or not?
Great work, indeed. Thanks for sharing and keep on making nice themes
Great work. Some of your hacks deserves a blog post or tutorial
It's looking much better indeed!
Nice work! Will be looking at this in a day or so when I get more computer time
you can download my new theme now:
there are some special features like a dynamic slideshow for the articles-Modul. New Articles will automatical included!
Also it is possible to edit Theme-code (like the head-navigation) direct with the ImpressCMS blockmanager (read the readme.txt for this)!
Feedback is welcome, I hope you like my theme :)