I have a few themes that have it integrated, I just haven't released them yet.
I thought it would be a nice integration to the core, so you could decide which way you wanted to display your banners/ads. It would at least add a nice feature.
hello,there is a theme from the french xoops team which peelad have been integrated allready,here is some some demos:
Now, wouldn't this be nice to include within the themes?
(or within the core as plugin???? with admin settings; activate pagepeel: yes/no)
This definately is the new way of presenting adds. Nice too!
Grtz., Shine
It's not difficult - and indeed it has already been done.
The simplest example is the template browse and upload already in the core... but of course there is also code such as Kaotik's upload module - which does much the same thing as well.
I believe implementing this with themes is the ideal thing to begin with, as modules generally need additional checks for versions and dependancys
Something like this would be cool:
Install from zip - Themes & Modules - Source Forge Request
As soon as the theme administration section is done, this wont be a problem.
We could simply program this all into the admin, so that it looks for the theme.html, and if it isnt there it isnt selectable.
I agree too, we can gather some information about how to install & use a theme, this will be pretty useful for new comers and adding an extra readme file for theme creator/developer is not so difficult, I'm thinking of a page in wiki with several guidelines and share it on this way ... so that this will be accessible for all theme developers and we can update these guidelines at any time !
Agreed - this makes perfect sense to me as well ... and it is an issue that I've had to deal with as a new user in the past.
I'd like to make a formal request to all theme developers/designers.
When packaging your themes can we please make it standard procedure to include simple upload and install instructions.
Not all new comers to Impress will be accustomed to how the inner workings of our system works, and although documents maybe provided on-line, I'm sure you can all relate when you get a new toy you rip it's packaging off and never read the hefty manual, as there is too much to take in.
If we package a simple install or readme text file, it may go some way to save some confusion.
I've just been offering support on this, a user had downloaded a theme from us, then uploaded it to his themes directory, however he uploaded the theme in a sub-folder of it's self (which is how it originally un-zipped itself):
When of course it should of just been:
If we keep things clear it may avoid confusion and loss of potential users and this is standard procedure with modules, so why not with all themes.
Sorry, but comments on gasoline price dissapointed me.
Perhaps next week...
Just kidding, I have to make some research in the "middleware" part of my idea.
@Nachenko. Please, show us, and if it is functional I would be happy to update iTheme with whatever is required.
gasoline-price is going down in Japan now
I can imagine a world where ImpressCMS loads at gasoline-price speed (1.3 lightspeed, for those who don't know).
The first step of my masterplan cares about the content of the page:
1 - Suppose a theme.
2 - Suppose jQuery into the theme.
3 - Suppose jQuery intercepts all links and rewrittes all links as AJAX queries. (No forms at this point).
4 - A middleware receives this AJAX queries and executes all XOOPS core processing as normal. The content generated is exactly the same as in a regular query.
5 - The template checks for a variable indicating presence of an AJAX request. As this is the case, it skips almost all stuff in the template. in fact, it only sends the <{$content}> smarty variable.
6 - JQuery empties content container...
then fills it with the new content:
Cool, wouldn't it be?
Alright kids forget I said any of that...
Because, well it doesn't work.
However, if you would be so kind as to open up your layout.css and find.
I should probably mention that is you use styleMAC this is what it will look like.
guys put snows code in a file called styleMAC.css
ImpressCMS will automaticaly load the file if it is a MAC browser.
Which includes Opera.
There is also the option of using conditional arguments to load that css if and only if it is Opera.
<!--[if lt IE 7]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="<{$xoops_imageurl}>/ie6.css" />
Of course you will need to replace with Opera specific codes.
I haven't read the entire thread, but here's one thing.
I'm not a CSS expert, but when I experienced the same problem a while ago, I source ordered the CSS columns.
First I did Left, Then Right, then the Center Column.
I'll try and find the source for this trick.
Hope it helps.
You also need to check if it works... if you resize the browser windows, so if it's not maximized, let's see what happens then.