It's a valid point indeed.... and perhaps we should consider this name change.
hi all,
what do you think about changing the name of tamplates?
the users sometimes try to upload the themes over the templates admin because they think that templates are themes.
themes and templates ... a little bit confusing...
today I upgraded my site to impresscms. the upgrade worked fine without any problems.
take a look:
Will - i suspect you could be right, that light was not updated...
I'll be interested to see if there's a later code basis.
It's a great theme, probably one of the best I've seen especially given the nature of my web site (largely for the elderly and caregivers). It's very simple, the darks are distinct from the lights, it's easy to read and easy to track. These are things that are harder for the elderly.
For now, I decided to make it the default theme regardless of the IE6 issues just because of the readability quality. I have also placed a theme selection box for people who have issues with Light. They can choose zetagenesis if they like. Anyway, I hope the issue can be fixed.
Yes - all themes from 2.0 to will work.
The only issue you would have is the few themes that require overwritten system files... but otherwise, you will have no problem
(And if you do .... just ask us for assistance!)
I like what I see so far of Impress. It already has block cloning, for example--something I've been waiting for in Xoops for a long time (I was spoiled by 2.2.x). But the lack of themes is a problem. Will themes for Xoops 2.0.16+ work with Impress?
hi all,
now i have joined the icms community :D
thanks you all and I will do my best to support the icms
PS: and yes thats me as mozart on the photo :D
Remember to ask for any assistance we can give you
hi all,
now i have joined the icms community :D
thanks you all and I will do my best to support the icms
PS: and yes thats me as mozart on the photo :D
Not sure if Light was ever updated to the 1.0 code. I will take a look.
by sato-san on 2008/3/19 4:25:26
My Friends,
a german User is the founder of
Im have spoken last night with him. He supports now ImpressCMS too and he has add the ImpressCMS-logo in the header of website
He has collected quite many nice themes there. If - as he said - all of them work on iCMS, that's very good.
My Friends,
a german User is the founder of
Im have spoken last night with him. He supports now ImpressCMS too and he has add the ImpressCMS-logo in the header of website
Im think this is very great for us. A big thanks to @Bleekk
I've noticed that sometimes when light loads that my content is above the theme in Firefox/
I've had user reports of my web site not showing up correctly on IE6 using the Impress Theme Light. Apparently the middle blocks are displaced or moved way down, if they show up at all. It seems to happen on all modules. Other themes like zetagenesis do fine. This is NOT a complaint. I'm way to grateful for the work being done here to complain about it. It is to see if someone else has had reports of this and to try to localize the reason/fix for it. It shows up on a major university computer (which leads me to wonder why it would be running IE6, but that's another matter). Anyway, has anyone else observed this and if so, have you found a workaround?
Thanks in advance!
Thanks, I probably should put a link to the News post which has the V3 release. You can see a demo of the theme on but I am in the process of modifying the colors now for our business, so it will end up looking a little different than the standard release, but you can see how the JS works.
Here's the link to the news post:
One more observation - there can be only 1 body tag on a page (at least on pages that validate). Having a id attribute for the body is allowed, but, I think, unnecessary. An id attribute is a unique way of identifying a specific tag and, again, for validation, there can be only one instance of an id on a page. So, the id attribute uniquely identifies an element that is already unique. If you want to vary the body styling based on the module, which appears to be the intent, adding the $xoops_dirname as another class would also work (and make more sense, at least to me)
Here is the line from the theme -
web-M wrote:
I think it's nice :bravo:
Maybe the links can be added in the adminsection also?