Gah... sourceforge is so much better...
Had to reinstall my SVN client just to get files.
Thanks, I'll check it out and if I find any bugs I'll be sure to fix em.
Sorry for delay in answer.
Belius theme is in Assembla now
It is not tested and It could has bugs.
Starting a new project from scratch is tedious, and we all have the reflex of re-using the basics of a previous one.
That's difficult in the fast-moving world of web development, as there will have been updates and changes to your basic setup since then.
Luckily, we have people that dedicate their time to help others in this : you have HTML5 Boilerplate, Twitter Bootstrap 2.0 and a tool to configure those two : Initializr.
Do you know of any other similar tools that shouldn't lack in any toolbox?
Well, in order to work with bootstrap-based themes, we will need to refactor most of the templates that are in the system currently. That's not a lot of extra effort, as I would like to work towards getting those converted to HTML5 for ImpressCMS 2.0 anyway.
I must admit I'm no CSS expert, but I've managed to create a basic Bootstrap theme in a couple of hours. After that, I could add draggable objects in 5 minutes Eye candy galore.
It makes all the basics extremely easy, and it really invites you to experiment with adding a button here, a jQuery element there. I love it
I'm considering making bootstrap the standard to build themes on. That would make it easier for theme designers to create works for ImpressCMS, and it would make it easier to write tutorials, having a standardised and well-documented theme foundation.
My dabbling works are to be found at my dev site.
So how did the bootstrap experiment go? Is this a good option for buikding themes? I like that it has a grid and apprently sane typography controls.
Already did, just waiting a reply.
lotus wrote:
old themes need an update for the icms 2.0, either way, because the old xoops_ smarty-tags are outdated.
Does anybody have this theme?
I'm hoping somebody has a copy. Tried doing a search on the site but the search gave me the result for ever single download... Not very useful...
Here is a link to the demo:
Thanks Steve, this tip of moving the order of the theme CSS and the module header smarty tag solved this problem with my Bootstrap experiments.
old themes need an update for the icms 2.0, either way, because the old xoops_ smarty-tags are outdated.
lotus wrote:
In my view, we need: icms -> module -> theme
by Will on 2012/2/28 16:39:09
Hi guys, can I make a suggestion?<{$icms_module_header|replace:'icms.css':'noLoad.css'}>
Here ya go - css and js are on you to integrate.
Hi guys, can I make a suggestion?
In my view, we need: icms -> module -> theme
The order of the files is of some importance, but CSS Specificity is more important.
If the same style selector - p, h1, table, .myclass or div, for example - is styled in 2 different places, the last one wins. As bleekk says, we really shouldn't be defining general styles in the last css file to load, as icms.css does.
Here's a technical overview of how stylesheets are currently loaded -
* yourtheme/theme.html begins the layout
* meta tags and header come first
* yourtheme/style.css gets included
* smarty var for module_header comes at the end of the head section
* body section starts
Nowhere does your theme need to specifically include a module.css or icms.css file - where does that happen? in the smarty var *module_header.
icms.css gets added by /header.php, before all the textsanitizer and jquery plugins. Later, as the modules load, they can add their own stylesheets to the module_header and they are loaded behind icms.css.
Recap: theme -> icms -> module
I create a ticket some weeks ago:
Maybe we need also discuss the right order.
I had it working on the old mrtheme site.
I created a php block and included the cache file. Which is just a big array - a little php formed it into a nice menu, then used css to position it and style it. I don't have that code anymore - but it should be relatively straight forward to recreate it.
Would be a nice default ICMS block.