Re: Need help with ajax "hotlava" theme

  • 12/1/2008 22:50:26
  • Will

agreed^^ you really should utilize the $marty where it is available.

<{include file="$xoops_theme/includes/menu.html"}>

no need for <{php}>


Re: Need help with ajax "hotlava" theme

Smarty also has an include tag <{include file="path/to/file.ext"}>

Christian Web Resources

Re: Need help with ajax "hotlava" theme

Awesome! I knew there was something like that. This worked:

<{php}> include (XOOPS_URL."/themes/hotlava/includes/menu.html"); <{/php}>

Thanks so much nachenko!

Is there a variable that does the same as <{xoImgUrl includes/menu.html}> ?

Page Progressive - Print Design, Web Design and Web Hosting

Re: Need help with ajax "hotlava" theme

About the first question: Have you tried using XOOPS_ROOT_PATH?

I think XOOPS_ROOT_PATH and XOOPS_URL are both available.

If you can't understand what I'm saying, you're not geek enough

Need help with ajax "hotlava" theme

I'm developing a new theme for icms/xoops that has a lot of neat ajax features, simplicity to use and modify and such, but there are few things that I need help with. I'm going to use this thread for that.

First of all, here's the theme:

And here's what I need help with:

1) I want to include a menu file and I am currently doing it this way:

<{php}> include (""); <{/php}>

But this method requires a hard coded link. How can I get the same effect of<{xoAppUrl /themes/hotlava/includes/menu.html}> inside a php snippet, or perhaps there is a better way to include rather than the php snippet.

2) I've found a CSS-only drop down menu that only requires javascript for older browser compatibility. This is better than the one that Mastop Publish currently uses (Son of Suckerfish, I believe) because of it's lack of needing JS and more compatible with browsers (Even IE on the Mac!), but I don't know how to modify Mastop's horizontal menu block template to use this new menu. The PHP coding is over my head. Anyone want to take a stab at it? The menu is here:[/d] Managed to figure this out afterall

3) Is there a way to return a unique block ID with a variable in the theme? IE, blocks could have id="1", id="2" for identifying them seperately for styling. Marcan pointed out that you can use <{$}> to identify that block's ID, which will let us validate properly now and also we can have a user-friendly "Click here to edit this block" button. Yay!

More to come!


Re: Examples impress themes

Hi Shine,

We're in the same situation. I'm not a theme whiz myself.
However, I treat the themes that are coming out as a Xoops Theme for the moment (there is some documentation on that somewhere)

Furthermore, I treat the template I will make as a normal Web Layout.
So, I searched the web for my type of layout (3 Columns with some specifications) I even searched

So when I started I wanted a 3 Column Layout.
I googled some more and found a good search term "holy grail"

It's a good place to start. The sites with the best examples will be shown in that search result. Then you look for your own type of layout that you wish.

When you have your layout, you can convert it into an impressive template.


Examples impress themes

  • 11/1/2008 15:40:01
  • Shine

Oh dear oh dear,..... always I've been a totally noob in themes and design.
I see a lot of new things within the standard impress theme and css. And really am totally lost.
Is there some specialist who can explain a bit more about theme designing considering impress? Or can even give some more examples?
Keep in mind you are talking to a design nitwit.

Thanks in advance,
Grtz., Shine

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