I'll create a bunch of ticket for this.
@bleekk : would you have the time to look at splitting the content of icms.css into a part that needs to stay, and a part that needs to go into the themes? This will need to be done anyway.
Another possibility would be to override the icms.css file from within the theme. Thoughts on that?
Yeah, Iagree should limit to ids etc. Definitions of plain html tags should be left entirely to the theme (not being able even to set a global style for p tags in a theme is a huge problem IMHO especially since the cause is not obvious).
How hard would it be to change the order of the css? Its nit difficult to solve is it (I am without a computer for a while BTW).
While we are on the subject, there are also some inline css that needs to be removed. Like that brown bar in the search results.
overriding is sometimes not very easy. You need to load the framework css as last. the values that need to be overwritten should be marked as !important.
icms.css should only describe defined icms divs, like .icms-header or icms.table,... but never .header, .table, .td as so on.
Elsewhere, I read that the css files are being included in the wrong order, ie. Your style.css is being overidden by the icms.css, whereas it should be the othwr way around.
This makes it not possible to define certain styles in a theme or module css file, for example the p tag, because it is defined in icms.css already.
I have also found it is not possible to use theme styles in a block if it is cached, even if you include it via xotheme etc, which I think is an ancient xoops bug.
I'm looking into using Twitter Bootstrap, which has a nice integrated way of exposing the most needed functionalities.
I've tried to integrate the 'hero' example into an impresscms theme, but my layout is mixed up every time. When I look at the source code of the page, I see that the xoops.css and the icms.css file are included by default. The xoops.css is part of the theme file, so I disabled that one. The icms.css file however, is added as part of the module_header smarty variable. That seems to indicate that it is included programatically.
Questions: Do I need to disable these files? and if so, how can I do that best?
If the files do not need to be disabled, any idea why my layout is all mixed up from the moment I make a theme of it?
HTML frameworks are more and more being used, and everyone has his own preference. I think these questions will arise also with other HTML/CSS frameworks, so they could be interesting to take into account.
I think about an Admin-menu within a theme for the frontend, not for the ACP.
If I take the the DIV "navbarCP" and copie this into my theme, it will not working.
It there another way possible to get the ACP menu for the front end?
That looks like a very good suggestion. Thanks!
More info
Using 1.3, SyntaxHighlighter from http://alexgorbatchev.com/ is not working in blocks created with DHTML or TinyEditor. It works on HTML blocks created with EditArea
In content, I tested several modules and does not work....but yes with impression 1.1rc2 because that release has deleted DHTML editor support.
Thinking in iCMS 2.0 (as DHTML will be deleted) perhaps SyntaxHighlighter will work. In the meantime the solution would be hack SimplyWiki module.
great, I saw your post and was planning on checking if it would work with the wiki.
Updated information about this matter:
Yes, but we need theme admin module too. Theme Settings could be managed then by users.
In the meanwhile, anyone can help with this matter?
Agreed - it's certainly something I'd like to see.
Indeed a simple module to handle menus is something on my post 1.3 wishlists
this is very interessting but the wrong approach. Impresscms needs a built-in menu management. it is embarrassing that a user needs to hack themes and templates to get a custom menu.
I hope that this and some other things will be realized in the 1.4 version
I am working for a automatic top menu in themes (sometimes I have readed claims about this)
For now, I have got insert module names
My bad, I should have created a release instead of a branch. I'll start over from the current revision.
Fatigue, you know
Branches are not for releases - they are working development directories that need to be separate from the trunk for a variety of reasons (significant changes, maintaining the previous release are the primary reasons)
Please also respect the change freeze while the release is being prepared. It will only delay the release and some changes will actually set us back to a different status (a RC release could become a Beta release)
Don't forget to add the same changes to the 1.3 branch - as that was made just before your commit
Works perfectly! I added the changes in the trunk.
Here's a little hin for you: