Anybody can help me with this please? The time for code freeze is coming fast.
as you can see in the code, I did some commits yesterday and my target is to use the icons from images-set. This step is very important for an admin theme.
But I have a problem with the image-manger. The image-manager use templates and the icons are in the templates included.
like this:
Ticket with more details
I'll rework your commits in a bit. You shouldn't use $icms_images_setname at all. In fact, this is not a function rather than a variable. That's all.
Please use the constant ICMS_IMAGES_SET_URL instead. It's available throughout the code and defined as follows:
Really we need to add a prefference to look at the imageset directory in images, and see what subdirectories exist.
Yes, right. The core will not use admin templates.
Does that mean that it is not possible to override system templates in a theme?
Madfish wrote:
Maybe you could change the name of the image set in /include/common.php?
* @todo make this $icms_images_setname as an option in preferences...
$icms_images_setname = 'crystal';
define("ICMS_IMAGES_SET_URL", ICMS_IMAGES_URL."/" . $icms_images_setname);
Maybe you could change the name of the image set in /include/common.php?
* @todo make this $icms_images_setname as an option in preferences...
$icms_images_setname = 'crystal';
define("ICMS_IMAGES_SET_URL", ICMS_IMAGES_URL."/" . $icms_images_setname);
For the moment it is not possible to create a full ACP theme, I can find some barriers.
- the core would not use my Template files (theme_name/modules/system/admin/images/*.*)
- the core use different images (modules/system/images/*.* and images/crystal/actions/*.*)
My Result: I can create a theme and change some CSS styles, but not change the templates / images.*/
at the moment we have the function $icms_images_setname for our crystal icons, but this function is not in the preferences added for the moment.
I like to change this icon set with my admin theme. It's not a problem to add PHP code in the beginning from my theme.html, but how can I change the this?
Like this?
I like the idea of putting the postrow icons on top of the avatar.
You have understood correctly, I do not like the arguments about avatar dimensions. The header from the posting is too big. Important from a posting is not the info from the user, important is what he wrote.
Any way to have a prefference to allow either a set size, or an over-ridden size, then everyone's happy?
Anyway - other than this - the templates are coming along well!
Thank your for prompt feedback.
About font-size. I changed the counter and font-size, please view it here.
It's better now?
About avatar dimensions
You have understood correctly, I do not like the arguments about avatar dimensions. The header from the posting is too big. Important from a posting is not the info from the user, important is what he wrote.
1) You don't like my arguments about static avatar dimensions, do you?
2) McDonalds remark is a good one. I used to have topics with 10.000+ replies in my forum. Even though I like the figures to be like that, I guess it might cause issues.
The templates look very good!
One thing: The font-size for replies, views, posts and topics seems to be pretty big. What will happen if the value(s) will increase, say be greater than 100 or 1000?
I work for better Templates in the iForum module. If you like to test and to discuss about it, I'm happy.
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This is solved. Solution was a twoliner.
Hi guys,
I want to handle Blocks in a drop-down-area.
I did some experiments with the ixt-theme (ixt00905_2.2).
In this theme are already 12 Blocks (like "search", "new member",..) exist for the footer, but it use own templates, for it.
I'm looking for a "mega-drop-down"-navigation and i found this:
Now I made a new block-postion for the headnavigation and add with multiMenu my dynamic navigation.
This works for me. The code looks like that: