Re: Happy New Year!

<p>A happy new year to everyone. As I mentioned on <a href="">the blog post</a>, 2018 was a preparation that put in place many of the requirements that will allow us to deliver stuff during 2019.&nbsp;</p>

<p>We will be celebrating our 11th anniversary in a few days, that's another occasion to celebrate.</p>

Me on OpenHub


Re: Happy New Year!

<p>Happy new year to everyone :)</p>


Happy New Year!

<p>Most of us should be well into the first day of 2019 by now - may this year be ready for all we bring to it!</p> <p><img alt="" src="" style="height:780px; width:780px" /></p>

Christian Web Resources

Re: Another Year of Gratitude - Thank you!

<p>Thank you very much Steve! Here in Europe we know Thanksgiving mainly because we have imported your 'Black Friday' tradition, but I really like the idea of taking the time to look back at the last year.</p>

<p>Looking forward to working with the entire community on new sites, new features and lots of new languages <img src="" alt="" /></p>

Me on OpenHub


Another Year of Gratitude - Thank you!

I believe a form of the Thanksgiving holiday we observe in the US is found all around the world - a time to be thoughtful and grateful for the many things we do have.

I would like to thank you, the ImpressCMS community - the supporters, founders, contributors, friends, developers, designers, writers, promoters, testers, translators, and all the people in your lives that allow you to be a part of this great project. We have been through much together in the past 11 years and I look forward to more years ahead.


Christian Web Resources

Re: How do you see GDPR

<p>In the US, we have <a href="">COPPA</a> (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act), which has been in force since 1998 and specifically addresses online privacy for children under the age of 13. From what I see, GDPR takes COPPA and extends it to everybody, regardless of age. The responsibilities and actions for a website owner are basically the same - tell people what information you collect, who has access to it, and remind them the information they volunteer, add to their profile, or post is visible (duh). There was also a stipulation about having information removed at the user's requests.</p>

<p>I've used a <a href="">privacy policy</a> for years to address the COPPA regulation.</p>

<p>The above was all from the perspective of a site administrator. From the perspective of a web platform developer and creator, the questions and responses are a bit different.</p>

<li>How easy is it to export data and posts from a user or visitor?</li>
<li>How easy is it to remove data and posts from a user or visitor?</li>
<li>If someone gained access to the database, is private data sufficiently obscured?</li>
<li>Do the default options favor the user's privacy?</li>

<p>Some things are outside the scope of the CMS - web server logs that contain IP addresses, dates, times, and POST information are the first that come to mind. Cookies are created by the server, not the CMS. Tokens can be created and used by the CMS.</p>

<p>In many ways, GDPR and COPPA are like the warnings on your coffee cup from your favorite establishment - contents may be hot. At least COPPA was intended for people who hadn't reached an age where they knew such things.</p>

Christian Web Resources

Re: How do you see GDPR

<p>I wasn't considering the non-democratic government angle, to be honest. The Belgian government is sometimes the laughing stock of the world when they go 1 year without being able to form a new government, but the country keeps on running as if nothing is going on. Aside from that, and perhaps a slight tendency towards more right-wing politics these last years in line with the rest of the world, I shouldn't complain. And your comment made me understand that this comfortable situation made me believe too much that everybody else is in a similar situation.</p>

<p><span style="background-color:transparent; color:rgb(85, 85, 85); font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,sans-serif; font-size:13px">Yes, data collection has gone off the charts, I'm with you there. </span>The creepy fact also is that we kid ourselves saying that we limit the information we put online. But that is at one single time. Computers have long memories, so the accumulation of the small little bits of data you put online is terrifying if you ask me.&nbsp;</p>

<p>We're to blame ourselves as well. The internet started off with freemium services in many cases, but the googles and yahoos and facebooks came in with their ad-supported free services, and suddenly nobody was willing to pay even a tiny amount for the services they consumed on the internet. At that time, if you ran ads you were really lucky if every view of your ad was counted. In the meantime, they have evolved much into the part where they run the internet in a way.</p>

<p>I believe the base idea of GDPR is good, but the way of implementation of that idea needs some proof in the real world. You very correctly mention the universally hated cookie directive. There is a new one coming along as well, <a href="">EN 301 549</a>, aimed at making public websites accessible by imposing <a href="">WCAG Level 2</a>. That'll be fun to watch <img alt="" src="" /></p>

Me on OpenHub


Re: How do you see GDPR

<p>I'm not really a fan of EU bureacracy (cookie acknowledgements drive me crazy, did we really need those?) but in this case, I think they have done a good thing.</p>

<p>Data collection is completely out of control right now, to an outrageous extent, and something needed to be done. Whether this law actually goes far *enough* is another question, I suspect the industry will try and shrug it off, unless a company is a&nbsp;major power like Facebook or Google it probably isn't going to attract much attention. At least, not yet.</p>

<p>Pretty much every internet connected device is gathering data and sending back telemetry to its makers and if you follow computer security in general there is a clear trend of technology companies being clueless (or perhaps, disinterested) in computer/data security or privacy. They can't secure their devices and they can't secure the data they collect.</p>

<p>Even worse, practically every company is willing to handover whatever data they have to the government when they are "legally obliged" to do so. That may be fine in a first world democracy, but if you're living in a third world country with a repressive, authoritarian government, what does "legally obliged" mean? The goon squad doesn't come with any procedural or rule-of-law protections. Handing over private data can have dire consequences, and a chilling effect on society in general.</p>

<p>I hope eventually we can get to a place where companies collect only that data they legitimately need for their service, and no more. But at the moment it's collect-all-you-can and figure out how to exploit/monetise your clients later.</p>


How do you see GDPR

<p>Hi everyone,</p>

<p>I live in Belgium, which is more or less in the middle of Europe geographically, and also politically because we have most of the EU institutions here in Brussels (where I work at the moment). I have been working on a project that is in the Medical sphere, so because of that the privacy aspect was one of the base requirements we had to deal with. That meant that we had a good idea about GDPR even at the beginning of the year.</p>

<p>Facebook did us all a favor in terms of putting privacy on the map with their Cambride Analytica scandal, so the awareness of the general public might have been better than expected. I work in the government and health sector, so we have more exposure to this kind of subject than most people, so I was wondering how you have perceived the GDPR introduction, the privacy discussions it has inevitably generated, the load of emails you received (potentially also from ImpressCMS, I admit) about new privacy policies and terms of use.</p>

<p>I thought it very useful that every service I used in the past now asks if I am still interested <img src="" alt="" /> Kinda makes it easy to have an overview when you want to decide whether you are still interested.</p>

<p>The fact that several companies decided to simply block people from the EU is to me a tell that they do things with your data they don't want you to know. Perhaps the GDPR, with it's very top-down approach, but with good intentions, will help the rest of the world as a possibility of what might be a good direction to let the common people reclaim posession of their personal data.</p>

<p>How is GDPR viewed in your countries? Would you like to have similar legislation in your area?</p>

Me on OpenHub


ImpressCMS in context of today

At the moment I recomend all public service and governmental projects to own their sites. Especially swedish radio and TV. Also free democratic parties shall own their sites. This will as an effect keep web in smaller projects wich is also to prefer for Browns, Johnssons, Juan, Ivan and Fritz etc <img src="" alt="" />.
The development with secret mapping and documentation of users in the big, commersial social media is slightly scaring and should be held back. ///***///

This is also what I do nowadays. Analyzing processes and trying to understand the best solutions, appart from short sited profits. While my studying and entrance into philosophy of organisation and future ///***///

Today there is probably >1500 free cms. The reason is most likely that most people get stuck in the ”paper end pen metaphor”. The trick is to get out of that ”paper box” and still simple to understand. Everyone destined trying to find the holy grale of the really smart cms that stands out. ImpressCMS actually doing some of that magic. /jnwn


iForum importer for bbPress

<p>Those of you that know bbPress, it's a forum software built on Wordpress. </p>
<p>I recently stumbled upon the fact that it has some nice importer functions for the majority of the open source forums, and thought about writing an importer for iForum. The importers are quite easy to define, and this was has given me some clues about how we could define a generic import/export framework in ImpressCMS, to be used to migrate to and from other CMSes, but also between different modules within ImpressCMS.</p>
<p>I currently have a procedure that imports users and forum structure on the site, I'm working on the topics and the posts.</p>
<p>This is the current latest version in attachment. Feel free to test and elaborate</p>


Me on OpenHub


Re: SVN to Git conversion : handy guide

Is it possible to get a beer at the Git... If not what is it good for?

New looks around here .... I don't like new stuff

.... but it looks improved and stronger too <img src="" alt="" /> that is good.

Little chocked today. Softaculous demo denied me entrence to Impresscms admin pages. Perhaps I wasn't trusted. ... but we work on it.

CU around


Re: SVN to Git conversion : handy guide

Thanks, that was very useful. Git is another thing I'm trying to get my head around at the moment.


SVN to Git conversion : handy guide

I only wish we had had this page by Atlassian when we migrated ImpressCMS from SVN to Git some time ago :

We managed as well, but having an idea at the beginning of the steps to take would have been cool

Me on OpenHub


Re: Best Bare Knuckles Design For ImpressCMS --Official ImpressCMS Stuff--

I think so, Typebase is just a stylesheet so I added an import statement to my theme stylesheet to include it. So I'm handling all the typography aspects via that.

As far as tweaks go I just set the default font to verdana, the default text size, added a p+p style and things are looking pretty nice as it seems to scale the other styles relative to that pretty well. Much better than my own efforts.


Re: Best Bare Knuckles Design For ImpressCMS --Official ImpressCMS Stuff--

for Bootup, I do my preliminary work in my personal fork :

I'll do a pull request once I feel that the theme has reached a minimal level, which might be quite soon.

Me on OpenHub


Re: Best Bare Knuckles Design For ImpressCMS --Official ImpressCMS Stuff--

Typebase looks cool. Can it be integrated with Bootstrap?

Have a look at Bootup, the work-in-progress next generation theme for ImpressCMS in the future. There's not much there at the moment, just a slightly cleaned-up version of my work, so feel free to update and make pull requests.

Me on OpenHub


Re: Best Bare Knuckles Design For ImpressCMS --Official ImpressCMS Stuff--

Thanks. Argh, Javascript!!!

I've also been trying to improve my typography (good typography is HARD and I always felt it was one of the weaknesses of our themes), so I'm experimenting with Typebase.


Re: Best Bare Knuckles Design For ImpressCMS --Official ImpressCMS Stuff--

I would look into basing your new theme on Bootstrap3 at the moment. It's much more structured, and it works quite well in combination with stock ImpressCMS. I have a work in progress on based on vanilla bootstrap, and except for some small errors that I want to fix, but lack the time, it works quite well I think.

Me on OpenHub


Re: Best Bare Knuckles Design For ImpressCMS --Official ImpressCMS Stuff--

Resurrecting this thread :)

I need to develop a new theme, but razorburn and barebones links in this thread are broken. Anyone still got the files?

Or should I use something else as a starting point?

