I spoke a few months ago with Marcelo on maintaining the module also compatible for impressCMS. I sent a request to adjust this in a sector in particular. Nor did the translation for the Yogurt útlima for the Portuguese version of the module. Marcelo is a very reasonable and partner. I think we should get in touch with him yes. If there is no return, perhaps those who are interested in moving the module should change the name of the module and maintain the claims on all the work already done.
Here's how it works OpensSource. But remember, this work should send to the author also wherever possible.
Eu conversei a alguns meses atras com marcelo sobre manter o módulo compatível também para impressCMS. Eu enviei uma solicitação para ajustar isto em um setor em especial. Também realizei toda a tradução para o Yogurt útlima versão para o português deste módulo. Marcelo é uma pessoa muito razoável e parceiro. Eu penso que devemos entrar em contato com ele sim. Se não houver retorno, talvez quem esteja interessado em evoluir o módulo deverá modificar o nome do módulo e manter os créditos sobre todo o trabalho já feito.
É assim que funciona OpensSource. Mas lembre-se, deve enviar este trabalho para o autor também sempre que possível.
Off track a little but how long would it take to set up cbb like that? So we can get rid of the newbb crap. D3forum is not yet ready for primetime.
Sidenote i wonder if xforum can be renamed...
stranger wrote:
Sounds good to me ... other possibility might be, I add my improvement for easy renaming in the module?
then users can rename it to whatever they want ...
Why removing it? By fixing I meant sorting this out
I'm not the person in charge for this, I think it's better if you talk with sato and Vaughan .... I was just giving a suggestion in my earlier post ... Vaughan is working on that area I think.
Fix it? Remove it you mean? But do you have Authorization from Marcello to take the development of the module and/or make derivate works?
I believe sato can fix this for us, as he is one of the project admins of that project ...
Creative Commons, 'No Derivative Works. You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.'
Vaughan is just fixing the vulnerabilities issues ...
What about the CC license?
I am not understanding, are you taking the development of yogurt?
What about the CC license?
Sounds good to me ... other possibility might be, I add my improvement for easy renaming in the module?
then users can rename it to whatever they want ...
Sorry, i like name yogurt , but... if this module is changed in SVN impresscms, this correct is change name.
My vote is change name.
This will differentiate one version to version ImpressCMS a xoops. But if changes are just to send to Marcelo, my vote is to keep the name and developer support sending the amendments to it.
Perhaps we can modify it and give a better name?
frankly I don't like the name
It worked before - I think part of the old site is still cached as half of it appears in the old form for me.
davidl2 wrote:
Latest cvs is available here:...
excellent :)
I kontakt him and i have access to the CVS from him.
as far as i'm aware, the original author has stopped developing it due to time constraints.
there's a huge security risk for users at the moment due to these vulnerabilites being discovered, therefore i think it would be in everybodies interests to release an updated version.
i'm gathering 3.3 RC1 with it being at the RC stage has no more features to be added etc, so it would only be bugfixes & security fixes.
if so, we could do with updating the latest version.
could someone contact the author and find out what is going on?
i have added now.
I think 3.3RC1 isn't released yet
i can't checkout from that CVS?
if someone can get the latest version, we can start working on it.