Not operable, even at the original version? That is an assumption I make -- always start with a functioning website, or was functioning, prior to server updates.
If the site becomes inoperable because of server changes - PHP version, file/folder permission changes - that becomes more of a challenge. In that case, I would work offline in an environment where the site works without modification, then apply the upgrades and redeploy to the server.
problem with step 5 is that the site is not operable at this instant, so we can't login. I'm getting consistent blank pages everywhere (homepage, user page, admin page), so I'm thinking in the direction of a protector problem. But unless I can verify that, I have no way of knowing for sure.
I can see we can be more helpful in upgrading existing sites.
Here's my process, if that will help... I went from 1.2.8 to 1.3.7 (after making sure all the modules worked in 1.3.7)
1. Backup: files and db
2. Download the latest full install package (1.3.7, in this case)
3. Uncompress, remove cache/, install/, templates_c/, uploads/, mainfile.php, favicon.ico, robots.txt (we should have a package for this)
4. I usually empty cache/ and templates_c/ on the server
5. Log in to the site as an administrator
6. Close the site
7. Upload the files to the server and overwrite. If any files fail - figure out why and fix.
8. Go to the admin control panel - update the system module (you should be prompted. If not, do it manually)
9. Test every module
10. Open the site
Log out and back in. Depending on your starting point (prior to 1.3.3), you may be prompted to reset your password, because of changes to the encryption schemes.
Often, I will test this locally before doing in production.
Note: also in 1.3.3, we packaged an updated version of Protector. You'll need to be sure you are the latest version from us for it to run error free on PHP 5.3+
There was an issue with the install at the tablescreate stage, because of settings in PHP 5.5 - these were addressed in the 1.3.7 release.
ok got that, but so far, I did the following:
new install, full 1.3.7, using old db (as it stated can use one already used). After clicking on write to mainfile.php, i get a pause then a blank page.
so I went backwards and changed the db to the newly created empty. and when clicked on write to mainfile I get the same blank page:
what I did with those transfer files, I copied a backup on local PC then copied the files over the old files and zipped it up and uploaded then unzipped, etc, still didnt work lol
about to go to bed
1. You are not upgrading a xoops-or-impresscms_1.0 site if you are going from 1.3.3 to 1.3.7.
Because of the number of files changed in 1.3.6, you'll need the full 1.3.7 package, minus the mainfile.php, cache/, templates_c/, install/, robots.txt, favicon.ico.
Do NOT copy the upgrade folders to your site root.
2. For the file transfer errors - the file you mentioned goes in the plugins/ folder. Does your FTP user have write access to that folder and those files?
This isn't a core issue, but a web host issue. I run into this on my sites occasionally, when I log in with SSH and do stuff, then go back to FTP - different user.
during the upload of files from htdocs to server root (install path) 35 files failed, when I tried to reupload as they were going up I noticed said:
STOR edit_area_full_with_plugins.js
Response: 553 Can't open that file: Permission denied
Error: Critical file transfer error
I am following these instructions:
1. Get the xoops-or-impresscms_1.0-to-impresscms-1.3.5 package from the website at http://.
2. Copy the content of htdocs/ over your existing files.
3. On your server, delete the file cache/adminmenu.php
4. Access <>/upgrade/ with a browser.
5. Follow the instructions to update your database.
6. You will then be asked to enter the admin area will see a message saying you are entering the admin area for the first time, click on the Submit button.
7. You will then be asked to Update the System module. Follow the instructions.
8. Flush your browsers cache (on windows IE & Firefox you can do this by pressing CTRL+F5. MAC & Safari users can press CTRL+R, Linux Users can also press CTRL+R or CTRL+F5 when using Firefox).
9. A few folders were moved to other place in ImpressCMS structure to introduce more logic in the structure. Thus, you will need to remove these folders and files from your server:
a) htdocs/class/smarty
b) htdocs/class/phpmailer
c) htdocs/class/xoopseditor/dhtmltext
d) htdocs/class/xoopseditor/dhtmltextarea
e) htdocs/class/xoopseditor/textarea
f) htdocs/class/xoopseditor/readme.txt
g) htdocs/class/xoopseditor/
h) htdocs/class/xoopseditor/
i) htdocs/class/xoopseditor/xoops_version.php
j) htdocs/include/calendar-blue.css
k) htdocs/include/calendar.js
l) htdocs/modules/system/blocksadmin/blockspadmin.php
m) htdocs/modules/system/blocksadmin/pblockform.php
n) htdocs/themes/impresstheme_light/css
o) htdocs/themes/impresstheme_light/xotpl
10. Enjoy !
...and this is what I got as a result of upgrade/index.php
Developer Dashboard
None | All | Errors (5) Queries (25) Blocks (0) Extra (2) Timers (3) Deprecated (2) Filters (0)
Errors (5)
Strict: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file /SITE_TP/modules/protector/include/postcheck_functions.php line 23
Notice: Use of undefined constant XOOPS_CONF_AUTH - assumed 'XOOPS_CONF_AUTH' in file /upgrade/upd-2.0.13-to-2.0.14/index.php line 97
Notice: Use of undefined constant XOOPS_CONF_AUTH - assumed 'XOOPS_CONF_AUTH' in file /upgrade/upd-2.0.15-to-2.0.16/index.php line 31
Notice: Use of undefined constant XOOPS_CONF_AUTH - assumed 'XOOPS_CONF_AUTH' in file /upgrade/upd-2.0.16-to-2.0.17/index.php line 31
Notice: Use of undefined constant XOOPS_CONF_USER - assumed 'XOOPS_CONF_USER' in file /upgrade/upd-2.0.18-to-impresscms-1.0/index.php line 144
what now?
It appears to be working now - a permissions problem on files/folders after the move or an .htaccess that needed adjustments, perhaps?
My host changed servers and moved my sites to a new server, all went well except for one site, and happens to be this one with impress.
Everything I have looked for is ok, but still getting 500, no clue as to whats the cause. checked the db, and the mainfile and all pointing correctly.
dont know what else to check.
I can get to the index page on the website but I havd the news files in a sub dir and that link doesnt come up. comes up, but... doesnt and thats where impress is installed.
if anyone can take a look, lemme know thanks
Thank you all. Now it's working.
Cheers :)
According to your host you need to get the server information from you control panel and 'localhost' will not work
The information there should be available when you login to the cpanel of your hosting (000webhost seems to offer cpanel as management console).
But again, please consider upgrading to a newer version. No more development is done on the 1.2 series itself, and no recent modules are guaranteed to work (most will not).
I was thinking to change version, but there are some changes in this CMS that I already have. I'm not sure if it change anything, because there can be a problem with hosting, not with CMS.
I would make a separate install of the new version and migrate a copy to this.
You are using quite an outdated version.
For security reasons you should be looking to update to
I have a little problem with instalation this CMS.
On screen you can see step I stuck on.
I need to use:
-Server hostname
-User name
because localhost doesn't work. When I'm using my user name and password, it still doesn'twork. There is a message:
"Could not connect to the database server."
I'm trying to run my CMS on serwer but i don't know what to do with it.
If you're using them for your own code then there is the IMAGESET constant as well.
uhm OK..
well I found the files in a new release under a different folder name...I must have missed something but in case anyone else wastes time lookin for em ;)
you will find the ref. images a newer release
Has anyone put up these files somewhere?
Came across them being missing in a recent install and Ive read soem references to them being programmed in..but I can find the file set.
As a result when I go to add content using the content module none of the icons show up.
Is there a link for this folder somewhere?
I think cam across some notes about them..but couldnt find a download link
a short list of steps is described here :