Re: Japanese Translation

Hello hisapapa-san,

great, thanks a lot.
Next questions

Do you have files for the TinyMCE too?


(If you like, i can add your files on sourceforge.)


Re: Japanese Translation

Hi hisapapa and Sato-san.

Created infra structure for future translations....

@hisapapa - You can send directly to SF. If your permissions are not set, let me know and I will ask for their inclusion. Translators have priority in the project.



Re: Japanese Translation

Hello Sato-san,

I've done....

Thank you.

Re: Japanese Translation

I forgot!!!!

Now I repair.

Very very very thank you.

Re: Japanese Translation

Hi hisapapa,

nice work, thanks a lot. I can use

A question: In your new download, im missing the "install"-language files. I can take from older package?

Re: Japanese Translation

Very good hisapapa, thank you


Re: Japanese Translation

Thank you hisapapa!

XAMPP for Mac
PHP 5.2.9
MySQL 5.1.33
Apache 2.2.11

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Ben Franklin

Re: Japanese Translation

Thank you! Your hard work is very appreciated!

Japanese Translation

This is hisapapa

Japanese Translation has done.

I don't know how to upload to sourceforge, so sorry.

If someone can upload to sourceforge, please download from
and use it.

everyone can use it.


P.S My site was changed from XCL to ICMS.
for japanese I provide japanese install manual, and provide the information of icms-conpatible modules.

for example,
weblog D3
altsys 0.61 for ImpressCMS 1.1 (alpha version)

Re: language packs on SourceForge version 1.1 final

I would Giba - but I have only just recieved home internet access again... after moving home.

I hope to do this tonight or tomorrow at latest.

Re: language packs on SourceForge version 1.1 final

Hi David, you can look it ?

I think the time has passed and we forget this detail.


Re: Japanese Version trial

hisapapa - we'd be happy to help if you have any questions using svn.

Excellent work with the language file!

Re: Japanese Version trial

I understand.
But I don't know how to use SVN.

... but I will try.

P.S Japanese language file is done.

Re: Japanese Version trial

Hisapapa - would you like access to SVN to contribute directly?

Just request this here: - and one of the admins can arrange permissions

Re: language packs on SourceForge version 1.1 final

Packages are ready. (lang ONLY) (core + rus + eng)

Sorry, David. The previous file I ask to substitute (there is not present core).


Re: language packs on SourceForge version 1.1 final

Well, I understand all

I can make a full package of Core + Russian also I will signal you about it later. On SVN the directory will be the same (packages)


Re: language packs on SourceForge version 1.1 final

They may need to be explained better.

The "International release" is supposed to be Core + Language - but perhaps it can be worded better.

If you can make a full package of Core + Russian then we can add this to here

Re: language packs on SourceForge version 1.1 final

Thanks david!
But not clearly what for the folder "International Releases" on SF is necessary. There translations on Persian and Spanish. There can be a tangle in structure of directories.


Re: language packs on SourceForge version 1.1 final - the latest download has Russian highlighted as latest download

Yes - we need to add Russian language support to this site - we will get the completed file added her (and to the other sites) as soon as possible!
