Re: arabic Translate (RTL)

thx for replay
my problem is
I want to change the direction of page from left to right


Re: arabic Translate (RTL)

not sure of an arabic translation available or not. translations & languages aren't my area of expertise.

But if you are able to offer some time to create a language pack, i'm sure some of the other devs with language experience will be pleased to help you along.

I would suggest downloading the ImpressCMS 1.1 RC3 version, which has the latest languages. & start from there, or search the wiki for languages & translations. Other devs will probably be along later and will provide you with more information than I can. so keep checking back here for replies.

and welcome to ImpressCMS :)

Live as if you were to die tomorrow, Learn as if you were to live forever

The beauty of a living thing is not the atoms that go into it, but the way those atoms are put together!

Re: arabic Translate (RTL)

thx for replay
last ver. I use it
and my translate to arabic
not persian

Re: arabic Translate (RTL)

what version are you using?

1.1 supports RTL languages, (persian language already has a translation)

Live as if you were to die tomorrow, Learn as if you were to live forever

The beauty of a living thing is not the atoms that go into it, but the way those atoms are put together!

arabic Translate (RTL)

Hi all ...
I want to say huge thx for webmaster and all ppl here
my problem is
I want to change the all page and all content from left to right

Re: Swedish Translation

Exelent News

I can create structure for your language.

[edited for myself]

Created structure for files...


Re: Swedish Translation



Re: Swedish Translation

Excellent work britsmar!

Swedish Translation

Hi!, just stopped by to announce that ive started a translation of impressCMS into swedish.
I will probably just let someone else throw this into the svn, i might take a shot at it but we´ll see i guess :)
If there is something you think i forgot or did wrong please use this thread and i will adress it asap!.

// Ronny

So far i have used the module "Language Tool Version
0.075" to create the source files. I cant see anything different using that from just ripping the english translation and using that so if nobody tells me otherwise i will use just that.

*more to come... (as work continues) :thumbup:

Re: Some question and suggestion about language files

  • 2008/8/25 4:09:10
  • exp

Dear davidl2

I have filled out the formular. If i gonna create or edit lang file, would you have language files in iso or utf-8 or both?

When both, one folder called german, which label have the utf-8 folders, german_utf8 ...?

Greetings Andy

Re: Some question and suggestion about language files

Many thanks exp!

If you visit this link here - you're welcomed to contribute directly on the svn

Re: Some question and suggestion about language files

  • 2008/8/23 9:13:29
  • exp

Dear friends

My regards into the weekend!

I will (ask again) ask you to see what you mean. In will catch the german language file for some modules and edit and modify them. After i will give them back to ... (the community, YES i will) or where should i place the lang files?

Should i send them to the developer, to the german community and or ... i think you know what i mean.

I can place them in a download section on my webserver, but if anyone search for lang files, my site will be the latest place he search for files.

Next problem and question is, should i give the files a version number or not?

Any suggestion from you my friends are welcome, i will do it in the way the community means is the best way for ALL (german) users.

Following language files:
- news module (missing some defines and or not best translation)
- ams module (missing some defines)
- smartsection module (missing some defines)
- eXtCal (missing some defines)
- eXTGallery (missing some defines)
- piCal (missing some defines and or not best translation)
- contact (there is only one error)
- wfdownloads (missing some defines)

Greetings Andy

Re: Some question and suggestion about language files


debianus wrote:
Hi Exp, good suggestions.
At the moment, until the new translations module is finished, debug mode help about find language constant missed. The different version numbers are a little problem, right. I hope that Vaughan and David ideas can be the solution.
I love the MacDonalds's way for update the language files: the changes are vey easy for find them and the translation update can be ready in few minutes. All our translations are in SF and it is a very good idea: easy for update them, easy for search them

Igree 100% with Debianus
Even in translations of the core I would like to try and keep these updated language. The greatest difficulty for today this is only the module with visual editor. The rest is easy to keep updated.

Mesmo nas traduções do core eu gostaria de tentar manter os idiomas presentes atualizados. A maior dificuldade hoje para isto é apenas com o módulo editor visual. O restante é fácil manter atualizado.


Re: Some question and suggestion about language files

Sure: I tried the Ohwada's module but I did not like me. Just can not wait for give a try...I think that it will be useful not only for translations: customized language files for each web, for example

Re: Some question and suggestion about language files

debianus - you'll like the new translation module when completed

Re: Some question and suggestion about language files

Hi Exp, good suggestions.
At the moment, until the new translations module is finished, debug mode help about find language constant missed. The different version numbers are a little problem, right. I hope that Vaughan and David ideas can be the solution.
I love the MacDonalds's way for update the language files: the changes are vey easy for find them and the translation update can be ready in few minutes. All our translations are in SF and it is a very good idea: easy for update them, easy for search them

Re: Some question and suggestion about language files

Sounds sensible - and if we start to use imTranslating when complete - we could probably add this string to the module as one which is automatically updated.

I suggested to Marcan that it could have some data-file psuedo variables generated which could be used to mark notes and comments in later versions of the module - which is apparently possible ... but vaughans idea should be simple to add to the current version.

To save clash however - i'd suggest the define takes also the name of the module/system it's being used for into it's name.

example: for the "System" module it would become:

Re: Some question and suggestion about language files

what if we add an extra line to the lang files.



then we can keep checks, and possible to even do checks from core to see if most current language file is present.

the 1.1 would be the release version so in above, it would mean this language file belongs with release 1.1. the .01 is the language revision.

each time somebody edits or changes the language file, they add 1 to the version number. so next edit becomes 1.1.02.

Live as if you were to die tomorrow, Learn as if you were to live forever

The beauty of a living thing is not the atoms that go into it, but the way those atoms are put together!

Re: Some question and suggestion about language files


exp wrote:
I think, i´m not sure if i beeing right, there must be a chance that the english lnguage files are the core, all other language files are not an integral part of the core language files of the module.

In most cases this is true - only a few modules include translations other than english, the other translations are done separately and distributed separately


If someone works on the core language files of the module (in this or in every case the english language file), it comes a new id or version number, this make the cvs. If nothing change, the number cannot change, but i think, the language files they are contained in the download of the module, comes not in every case from the cvs, it comes from the local system of the developer or translator. This is the scenario and the way it goes after all.

Yes - many times the translations are not added to the SVN/CVS, but sent to the developer and the developer adds the language files to the distribution, and sometimes to SVN or CVS. If the language files are not added to SVN/CVS and translators do not have commit access to those systems, there is no easy way to maintain the language files. This is one of the reasons we have placed all our modules and themes in the same repository as the core and provide access to everyone.

I think you are suggesting the same thing...that translations be kept in SVN (and they are, once they are added and committed)


Yes, normally it has nothing to do with the icms community, but if there any questions, they come here and searching for help, if we see there is something not define, the community report the solution here. Let us think, someone of the supporter think, i´m gonna change now the english language file (if there something miss), we have a new id or version in the language file. Thats ok!

Now, my meaning is, is it not possible, we make the non english language file outside from the cvs and copy the header with the version id manually, so all international language files has the the same id on the the same level as matters stand. This gives me the information, the last changes in the core language file of the module, are exist too in the international language file. Sure we need now translators they do that job, i understand that will be a problem. But my way has some advantages:

If the translator sick, in holiday or you cannot catch him, everybody can make the translations, you as the community must only make a plan, where are the changes, where comes new defines or when a define goes, which and where to delete. Normally we can see it in the cvs, when there the latest file exist (Diff to the previous version)!

As an example, i make the final german translation of the wfdwonloads file, what to mean, they are ready to go, but we missed some defines or some translation are not corresponding. What i need now, a place where i can place this files with the identical id of the files (outside of the cvs).

Greetings Andy

Re: Some question and suggestion about language files

  • 2008/8/17 14:42:07
  • exp

Dear skenow

I understand that the cvs set id or version numbers automatically, that is not a point i did not understand. But you see that files with different id´s in the wild, from the same website to the same version of the module.

I think, i´m not sure if i beeing right, there must be a chance that the english lnguage files are the core, all other language files are not an integral part of the core language files of the module.

If someone works on the core language files of the module (in this or in every case the english language file), it comes a new id or version number, this make the cvs. If nothing change, the number cannot change, but i think, the language files they are contained in the download of the module, comes not in every case from the cvs, it comes from the local system of the developer or translator. This is the scenario and the way it goes after all.

Yes, normally it has nothing to do with the icms community, but if there any questions, they come here and searching for help, if we see there is something not define, the community report the solution here. Let us think, someone of the supporter think, i´m gonna change now the english language file (if there something miss), we have a new id or version in the language file. Thats ok!

Now, my meaning is, is it not possible, we make the non english language file outside from the cvs and copy the header with the version id manually, so all international language files has the the same id on the the same level as matters stand. This gives me the information, the last changes in the core language file of the module, are exist too in the international language file. Sure we need now translators they do that job, i understand that will be a problem. But my way has some advantages:

If the translator sick, in holiday or you cannot catch him, everybody can make the translations, you as the community must only make a plan, where are the changes, where comes new defines or when a define goes, which and where to delete. Normally we can see it in the cvs, when there the latest file exist (Diff to the previous version)!

As an example, i make the final german translation of the wfdwonloads file, what to mean, they are ready to go, but we missed some defines or some translation are not corresponding. What i need now, a place where i can place this files with the identical id of the files (outside of the cvs).

Greetings Andy
