Re: Translations



Re: Translations

  • 2008/5/13 15:13:53
  • w3by

I won't finish until Wednesday... but I do hope I'll be done with 1.1 translation at the end of the week


Re: Translations

  • 2008/5/11 10:56:12
  • w3by

No problem :)

btw, translation for 1.1 is on the way (depends on how much time i'll have this week, i'll try to get it done until wednesday, but i can't promise anything)

Re: Translations core (slovenian)

Thanks w3by, It is important to have a large number of translations for release.


Re: Translations

  • 2008/5/11 3:12:29
  • w3by

Oh, ok. Let's try with this then ...

Attach file:

zip Size: 0.00 KB; Hits: 39

Re: Translations

Protector blocks your file because is has got more than one dot in name.

Re: Translations

  • 2008/5/11 1:42:15
  • w3by

Forgot one more thing... here's the complete translation:

(I'd attach it, but all I got is blank page, after I clicked on the "submit" button with this zip file added as an attachment)

Re: Translations

That's what I meant ... sorry if I wasn't clear.

Re: Translations

  • 2008/5/8 14:43:46
  • w3by

kurak, yes, it took like 10 minutes to finally get it, that I really do have to download from SVN to later do the upload, but it was worth it ... updated the files, finally.
Thank you!

Re: Translations

I use easyeclipse (it fairly fat (java)). Im used to this soft, it has many plugins, perhaps may be a bit tricky at the beginning...anyway, worth trying ;]

Re: Translations

  • 2008/5/8 11:27:49
  • w3by

I've been busy with some post-windows reinstallation stuff (god I hate my computer & it's problems with some functions in Windows after 1 month of fresh install...) so I didn't get any time for this yesterday ... but here I am now. Again.
Anyways, problem on the page you linked me to is apparently when trying to commit a change when someone else already did before you, but you didn't reload the whole SVN browser.
But that's not my problem (I tried to reload a lot of times) but it just doesn't work ... maybe any "guide" on how you guys update files in SVN (overwriting or something else?)
And is it maybe problem with TurtoiseSVN? Maybe someone got any better program to use?

Re: Translations

Try doing an svn update first...

thats what this seems to suggest...

Re: Translations

  • 2008/5/6 14:49:19
  • w3by

I always get this error when trying to override the existing files:

Error: MKCOL of '/svnroot/impresscms/!svn/wrk/5724491e-978f-994a-bfd2-d2c979a552d5/languages/slovenian/1.0/htdocs/language': 405 Method Not Allowed (

Also, yes, I'm using windows

Re: Translations

Are you using windows with Tort-SVN ?

if so - it's a right click to access commit.

Not sure what it is under linux yet sorry.

Re: Translations

  • 2008/5/6 13:47:16
  • w3by

I've been just drag'n'dropping the folders to TurtoiseSVN's repository browser.
But now when I drag and drop a folder with files that already exist, I get an error ... that those files already exist (and no "would you like to override them" option)

Also, no "commit" option in TurtoiseSVN...

Re: Translations

right click on lang dir and select "commit" ?
Thats how I do it in eclipse

Re: Translations

  • 2008/5/6 13:19:49
  • w3by

I got stuck ... I've updated my lang files to UTF8 encoding ... but how do I override the existing files on the SVN?

Re: Translations

  • 2008/5/5 15:14:25
  • w3by

Ok I'll try to translate few more files (under /class and that stuff) tommorow (ok, i should already say today - it's 0.11 CET here ) and then I'll just post the whole thing zipped over here.
Any then, I guess I should start to work on 1.1, huh?

Re: Translations

Hi w3by, am following this process of translating them in version 1.0

Once you finish, you can create a package in a zip and send the davidl2 or here in the forum I think.

Then you can create a new folder to version 1.1 and send back this content to continue the translation for this version that is in progress.

Sorry my poor english, if not felt any stage, let me know.

Olá w3by,estou acompanhando este processo da sua tradução na versão 1.0

Após finalizar, poderá criar um pacote em zip e enviar ao davidl2 ou aqui no forum eu penso.

Depois você poderá criar uma nova pasta para a versão 1.1 e enviar novamente este conteúdo para continuar a tradução para esta versão que está em andamento.

Sorry my poor english, se não entendeu alguma etapa, deixe-me saber.

Thanks for you work
