Re: How do you install the Chinese Langauge pack

Just copy htdocs content in your root site
You have now in the language package:
/htdocs / modules / system / language / schinese_utf8
Copy language chinese folder in rootofyoursite/language; the same for /modules/system...
You must look then in your site:
Go to settings and you could choose Chinese language


How do you install the Chinese Langauge pack

I found the Chinese files in this forum, but I have no idea how to use them.. I am new to Impress CMS & Xoops. The files did not contain any installation instructions or readme. I have been unable to locate instructions regarding how to use these files.. Any help would be appreciated.


Re: Chinese Language Pack UTF8 for IMP1.1

Where can I get the Chinese language pack?

Re: Czech translation for ImpressCMS 1.1 and 1.1.1 rc1

Hi JardaR,

thanks a lot for newer files, i have updated the SVN. Looks very good now

Re: Czech translation for ImpressCMS 1.1 and 1.1.1 rc1

Any Files does not have UTF-8


Hello {X_UNAME},

V� nov� ��et na webu {SITENAME} byl pr�v� administr�torem aktivov�n.

Nyn� se m�ete p�ihl�sit na n�sleduj�c� adrese s heslem, kter� jste zadali p�i registraci.



French: @Marcan => Any files does not UTF-8

Hi Marc,

do you have the french files? We must update this files, any templates does not utf-8. Thanks!

Re: Czech translation for ImpressCMS 1.1 and 1.1.1 rc1


you have added this files on the, but any TPL's is not UTF-8.

Unicode (UTF-8) to HTML entity online converter

Hi all

To all translators around I´d like to point this very useful online tool:

It´s very handy somentimes

Re: Chinese Language Pack UTF8 for IMP1.1

Thank you for this excellent contribution!

Chinese Language Pack UTF8 for IMP1.1

Chinese Language Pack UTF8 for IMP1.1
file linkChinese Language Pack UTF8 for IMP1.1

Re: Czech translation for ImpressCMS 1.1 and 1.1.1 rc1

Czech language Pack UTF8 for ImpressCMS 1.1 and 1.1.1 rc1.

The archive contains complete translation into Czech: Core, phpmailer, install, DHTML form, TinyMCE. May be 100%.


Re: language packs on SourceForge version 1.1 final

Sorry David,
rel#1.1.1rc1 is expected in the future...


Re: language packs on SourceForge version 1.1 final

Greetings David!

Marc-Andre has fulfilled tagging 1.1.1rc1 today. Russian localisation 1.1.1rc1 is ready. In the directory russian/packages. I wait for your involvement for copying of files on SF from zone SVN into zone Download.


Re: language packs on SourceForge version 1.1 final


Can anyone confirm which language files are still awaiting packing and uploading - or should we wait until the release of 1.1.x first?

malanciault tagging Impresscms 1.1 Final (rev. # 6301) on 01.11.2008

The Russian language package impresscms 1.1 final (without core) (rev. # 6662) it is made 11.11.2008 and it is allocated on SVN in the directory/languages/russian/packages/
The Full package of Core impresscms 1.1 final + Russian (incl. English) (rev. # 6664) it is made 11.11.2008 and it is allocated on SVN in the directory/languages/russian/packages/

malanciault tagging Impresscms 1.1.1 Beta1 (rev. # 6928) on 15.11.2008

The Russian language package impresscms 1.1.1 Beta1 (without core) (rev. # 6932) it is made 15.11.2008 and it is allocated on SVN in the directory/languages/russian/packages/
The Full package of Core impresscms 1.1.1 Beta1 + Russian (incl. English) (rev. # 6933) it is made 15.11.2008 and it is allocated on SVN in the directory/languages/russian/packages/

All language packs are created from tagging revisions
In the future if malanciault will make tagging that will be and language pack.


Re: language packs on SourceForge version 1.1 final

Can anyone confirm which language files are still awaiting packing and uploading - or should we wait until the release of 1.1.x first?

Re: Japanese Translation

...files added on sourceforge and new files added for editors + images

Attach file:

zip Size: 0.00 KB; Hits: 22

Re: Japanese Translation

I went to SF Repository,

But I don't know how to use.
I'm sorry.

To Sato-san,

please send more japanese files.
Thank you.

( In most Japanese Module, I don' t usually use TinyMCE . Now I use FCKEditor for xoops.)
