Re: Congrats

Certainly Wilson.

I can understand how we are all showing which way to go and I think that is normal good examples are followed.

The important thing is always ideas and presents them. I am very happy to see old ideas being implemented and implemented in several sites in XF.

But the important thing is to cooperate, only this way we will achieve something really wonderful. Who knows we will not receive the award again?

Certamente Wilson.

Eu posso entender o quanto estamos todos mostrando qual o caminho a percorrer e penso que é normal bons exemplos serem seguidos.

O importante é sempre ter idéias e apresenta-las. Eu estou muito feliz de ver idéias antigas sendo realizadas e concretizadas em vários sites da XF.

Mas o importante é colaborar, só desta forma iremos alcançar algo realmente maravilhoso. Quem sabe não vamos receber o prêmio novamente ????

Eu acredito que irá apreciar alguns textos aqui:

É isto ai meu amigo Wilson, santosssssssssssssssss


Re: Languages for Addons/Downloads site



Re: Congrats

  • 2008/5/19 18:09:26
  • Tom

It's nice to have positive comments like this, and for that I thank you.

I personally didn't help a great deal in the website, but there has been many great people who have and I'm sure in time there will be many more also.

What makes ImpressCMS special for me is that it's our community that are involved and everyone is part of this.

From me also, I'd like to thank the guys and gals who worked hard on this to get it open for the community.

ImpressCMS Media Kit - Spread The Word!



I´d like to congrats all the people involved on the addons site.

What an amzing job guys.

Well done

And we know that´s more comming

Thank you all.


Re: Languages for Downloads site

If you wish, I could adjust this information for my language, but I think we may need to temporarily access a greater or create a panel to adjust this information.


Se desejar, eu poderia ajustar estas informações para o meu idioma, mas penso que temporariamente seja necessário um acesso maior ou criar um grupo especial para ajustar estas informações.



Re: Tiny (WYSIWYG) editor in Mastop module not working

you could install tinyeditor ( In 1.1 release the use of editors will be improved strongly.


Tiny (WYSIWYG) editor in Mastop module not working

  • 2008/5/8 11:48:39
  • Stu

I am trying to get any kind of good WYSIWYG editor with the administration environment going.  I had recently installed the Mastop module in hopes that the Tiny editor would be installed, but it was not (just get the basic old plain text editor, smilies are shown but can not even be added!) despte much manipulation of the "preferences" that should have activiated it within the Mastop module.  Does anybody know of a good editor that should be easy to install and use throughout the admin area? Or alternatively, what thing(s) may be going wrong in my case to prevent the editors from appearing?



Re: addons Link_to_Us

  • 2008/5/4 9:29:02
  • Tom

I've uploaded it to Addon's for you:

ezLink2Us (Link To Us Page)


Re: Languages for Downloads site

  • 2008/5/4 2:48:33
  • w3by

No problem :)


Re: Languages for Downloads site

Thanks w3by.

I hope to see soon all working languages in addons in its entirety.


Re: Languages for Downloads site

  • 2008/5/4 2:13:06
  • w3by

Here's for slovenian language:

* Welcome to the ImpressCMS Addons Repository - Dobrodošel v ImpressCMS shrambi dodatkov
* Most Downloaded Addons - Največkrat prenešeni dodatki
* Recent Addons - Nedavni dodatki
* Download ImpressCMS - Prenesi ImpressCMS
* Addons Forums - Forum za dodatke
* Submit Download - Pošlji svoj prenos
* Contact - Kontakt
* Project Home - Domača stran projekta

* Community Site - Podporna stran
* Local Community Site - Strani lokalne podpore
* Addons (as in the site name) - Stran z dodatki
* Wiki
* Blog

* Extension Repository - Shramba razširitev


addons Link_to_Us

Link_to_Us or ezLink2Us for ImpressCMS???


Re: Languages for Downloads site

Thank you for this Megalavuk.

I will attempt to get this, and the other remaining fixes done, this weekend.

In the meantime, if we can help you in anyways - please feel free to ask on the forums


Re: Languages for Downloads site

Hi everybody!
I'm new user

Turkish translation

* Welcome to the ImpressCMS Addons Repository ---> ImpressCMS Eklenti Deposuna Hoþgeldiniz
* Most Downloaded Addons ---> En Çok Ýndirilen Eklentiler
* Recent Addons ---> Yeni Eklentiler
* Download ImpressCMS ---> ImpressCMS Ýndir
* Addons Forums ---> Eklenti Forumlarý
* Submit Download ---> Dosya Gönder
* Contact ----> Ýletiþim
* Project Home ----> Proje Anasayfasý

* Community Site ---> Ýletiþim Sitesi
* Local Community Site ---> Yerel Ýletiþim Sitesi
* Eklentiler (site adýnda olduðu gibi)
* Wiki
* Blog

* Extension Repository ---> Eklenti Deposu


Re: Downloads site: Work needed

Thank you - that gives me a good guide to work from.

I'll add those here: [[Addons_Todo_List]]

I also need to complete several translated instructions as well - including the Dutch instructions - and adding them to the site.

the other instructions are here - mostly translated:





Re: Downloads site: Work needed

  • 2008/4/20 4:33:47
  • ep98

in column view
name - version - author

in detailed view

name - version -date added

author name - link to author page
mirrors (with counts) after Download now
For the mirrors
Mirror logo, main site, mirror download, count of the downloads
Be the first one to review it - Comment it
Files submitted by to be annihilated :)

Compatibility: Impress 1.0/XOOPS 2.0 or 2.2 or 2.3
Requirements: (which not mean Impress or XOOPS)
Download History: - Changelog:
Module Logo, followed by shot 1, 2,3
after hitting download, License agreement window, with checkbox and link to the license, or with the full text of the license, then after the visitor agrees - Download the file

For the categories, post above
Demo of what should look like - - left side

And about "trusted" users, doubled additions and linking should be set some rules, linking is bad, i mentioned above why, since there is already link to the author name/page, linking to the file is not needed.

Who is trusted and who is representative for the File Repository, to make updates, additions and so on

Language submit ion form have to be the same like Module submission form

May The Source Be With You !
Translations & Web Design
ImpressCMS Bulgaria
CMS Bulgaria - Translation, Templates, Support, Hosting

Re: Downloads site: Work needed

ep98 - you've some very good suggestions on this.

I'll be spending the next few days on working on the site, and will see what I can do to make it better.

First improvement, if I can do this, is to fetch the version number on the category listing page.

As we use formulize for extra information, it'll take a little code to fetch the information per-entry from formulize - but I have some advice from Julian (Formulize) on how to do this.

Could someone summerise what is required for me to do - so I can get a start on with this later?

All help is appreciated.


Re: Downloads site: Work needed

  • 2008/4/20 2:28:38
  • ep98


Forum: would you like take a easy forum without frameworks? take this: ... inglefile.php?cid=3&lid=6

Yeah, good hack of newbb 1.01, but XHNewBB is better in that way :) CBB 1.14 is a successor of NewBB 2

I'll stick with CBB, till something better comes out, like Built in bridge for PHPBB3 (SMF Bridge sux, SMF license is awful) or other good GPL forums.

the idea of the post was about messes and the "look & feel" of addons.impress.

(in addition to my first post here)
Red Mexico Downloads 1.7 have few better options compared to Catzwolf WF-Downloads.

Professional look, u have the designers, since u make such cute work with WF-Downloads. Mirrors, wf-downloads have too, but no count on them. Detailed description with wysiwyg editor, several shots per file, fields for the license, homepage, demo and more, the only thing that force me to pick wf-downloads instead of RMDP 1.7 was the images, i dont have designer, and all my downloads are without "icons". It's a bit bugy in some points, which can be fixed in no time, from someone beginner in php development, while Catz Wf-Downloads needs a lot of work. Probably I should start new thread for WF-Downloads...

But Addons have to be sorted in a lot of categories, like Thousand categories and sub-categories to make visitor choices easy, the only bad pick there is the linking ...oh and the awful search compared to oops :). There is a example, with tons of categories, well sorted modules repository in OOPS
but another bug (missing feature) prevents the visitors from easily browsing and locating what's missing - DHTML Category Block module, to list all categories in Explorer way...

In case if addons is "redesigned" with some more categories, but linking remains, if the visitor:

*** have troubles with his ISP DNS service, and the linked site cant be resolved at the moment, he/she will not get the module
*** have over 30-40 hops to reach it, and no matter how much traffic he/she got, to download with xxx bytes per second from sites like
*** have troubles with his/her eyes, and got troubles reading the content, (what was the words, eyes inspired or something), current module cant give such people access

*** some authors (dont know such in OOPS), requires permissions from them even to mention their names on your (ours) site, but for sure someday will come such black sheep :)
*** some modules are pure blocks and not operate as modules, Onokazu bug, and such modules have to be listed in blocks section, or to be mapped with different flag to "show" them as different things then modules.

.... during the time of coming in and going in to/from oops, runcms, exoops, bcoos, exoopport, exv2, zarilia, code-plus and impress of course, one section remains empty in all ways, for downloads, pre-created templates
or documenting this feature of OOPS, no one talking about it, and it's looks very useful since u made from this "ugly" module WF-Downloads such beauty thingy - Addons

May The Source Be With You !
Translations & Web Design
ImpressCMS Bulgaria
CMS Bulgaria - Translation, Templates, Support, Hosting

Re: Downloads site: Work needed

Downloads: Im missing the version-informations in the title of download. first wfdownloads is version 3.1 and secondly is the version 3.2

The user can not see this very important info in the listtemplate.

Forum: would you like take a easy forum without frameworks? take this:

Re: Downloads site: Work needed

  • 2008/4/20 0:38:09
  • ep98

Am I "trusted" member or it's just another bug ? :)
Module names have to be added as in the exampled page

Name - Version, bcz of few things. - Suggestion

CBB 1.14 works fine with XOOPS 2.0/Impress 1.0 and not required Frameworks.

If in community/Forums are listed

the visitors have to click two times, to pick the right version.

Name - Ratings
By (empty ??)

By have to be removed, short info to be extended a bit
Authors have to be added with their full names, if they're not anonymous like Catzwolf, the targeted module is MyDownloads 1.45 by Herve Thouzard, it's added as module developer Herve. Author name have to be linked to the author site, and Home/Demo page have to be splited into two lines, Demo and Home are two different things. - Suggestion

I've thinking a lot to put or not a demo of XHNewBB and finally I set it as "Home", bcz the only one English demo forum is Cube Forums.

Categories are biiiig mess, who put Downloads in Content Management, in fact Downloads are:


But content/downloads... no way

2 times WF-Downloads, both the same

Debaser and some other modules are linked to dead sites, or to 404 Error in near future

French translation of Addons mess the whole view of the site, bcz of the word Téléchargez maintenant , template should be 10% wider

Is there a Wiki or something for translating pages listed in the first page ?

May The Source Be With You !
Translations & Web Design
ImpressCMS Bulgaria
CMS Bulgaria - Translation, Templates, Support, Hosting
