Re: Store Module Feed Back

  • 27/12/2009 16:06:52
  • Will

Thanks - like I told you though - these errors are meaningless to everyone here - because you are using a version of the store module that I have modified well beyond what anyone else has. So the store module everyone else is using is different from yours and yours is still like (idk is there anything before Alpha?) Fetal.

Your store module is under a fetal status.

Some of them - yeah people will be able to reproduce or see a solution for - like the tag issue(which I will be getting rid of completely in mine)

Anywho, please let me finish before you report any more errors - if the errors are bugging you - remove the module and wait for it to be completed, or uninstall my version and install the original version - then you can report errors all day long because everyone else will be able to reproduce them.



Re: Store Module Feed Back

Fatal error: Class 'store_lists' not found in /home/xxx/public_html/modules/store/blocks/store_categoy_lists.php on line 61

Fatal error: Class 'store_lists' not found in /home/xxx/public_html/modules/store/blocks/store_mostviewed_lists.php on line 60

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/xxx/public_html/modules/tag/blocks/block.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/xxx/public_html/modules/store/blocks/store_block_tag.php on line 40

None | All | Errors (1) Queries (72) Blocks (5) Extra (2) Timers (4)

Warning: require_once(/modules/tag/blocks/block.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in file /modules/store/blocks/store_block_tag.php line 40

That it... But sure is a lot of blocks. Let me see if I can find the tag module now.

Notice: Use of undefined constant STORE_LISTS_ALL - assumed 'STORE_LISTS_ALL' in file /modules/store/blocks/store_my_lists.php line 39

This one is from php debug on the front of the site. The rest above are big ol white blank pages.


Re: Store Module Feed Back

I might have just found out why some of these are happening.

The tag module is not installed but I have a feeling the top two are different issues.

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/xxx/public_html/modules/tag/blocks/block.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/xxx/public_html/modules/store/blocks/store_block_tag.php on line 30

None | All | Errors (1) Queries (71) Blocks (5) Extra (2) Timers (4)

Warning: require_once(/modules/tag/blocks/block.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in file /modules/store/blocks/store_block_tag.php line 30

Re: Store Module Feed Back

Same deal as above just a different block

Random lists

Fatal error: Class 'store_lists' not found in /home/xxx/public_html/modules/store/blocks/store_random_lists.php on line 60

Store Module Feed Back

This one is from the last list block.

Fatal error: Class 'store_lists' not found in /home/xxx/public_html/modules/store/blocks/store_recent_lists.php on line 60

It errors and goes to a white page when I hit edit. I have weight assigned and I have it turned on. But when I hit edit in modules admin so I can set the permissions for the block it goes wonky on me.

First test order with in the store module.

I ran my first test in the store with a notice & a warning.

Notice: Undefined index: 1 in file /modules/store/invoice.php line 110
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file /modules/store/invoice.php line 111

Re: News Module

Hi David
I tried 1.67 the latest i could find and verstion 1 final fo smart Framework
Hope that helps
Maynbe you can guide me to a download of a compatible news module.

Re: News Module

From memory the last version of News wasn't fully compatible with the last version of Impress. But news V1.56 definitely works with Impress 1.1.2.

I haven't upgraded to 1.2 just yet, so don't know what the status is with that.

Re: News Module

  • 17/12/2009 18:21:58
  • david

Hello Tony - which version of News are you using?

Also - what version of xoops did you have, and which version of Frameworks did you use?

News Module

I am moving my xoops systems to impresscms and need to add the news module. When I up load it the Modules operation under SYSTEM becomes a blank list - when i remove news it appears complete. Is there something wrong with the module? In fact this now occurs if I upload any of their modules. ALso what are you using for menu in this theme?

Thanks for your help keep up the good work - I have 40 xoops sites to transfer by the way.

Tony Ayling
Brisbane Australia

Re: Multi Oledrion Install... Many Clones On One Site?

  • 7/12/2009 10:20:41
  • david

63RD - did you do the update of the Shop module?

Would you be willing to help with this on the main SVN?

Re: Multi Oledrion Install... Many Clones On One Site?

  • 7/12/2009 9:40:29
  • 63RD

Yes, an upgrade is no problem.
I read the changelog and i guess there shouldn't be much more
to do than adding some language variables maybe.
In this small version, the Mimetype "Bug" should be away since
the inpuit field type is changed.

Main advantage of 2.3x is that it is open for other Plugins like different Paying Gateways i think. Well, that was one of the last things I read on the Instant-Zero Site.
I hope everything works out good for Herve.

The best way to predict the future is to invent it! (Alan Kay)
Good things happen when you go for it! (Alan Webb)
Seek the wisdom of the ages, but look at the world through the eyes of a child.

Re: Multi Oledrion Install... Many Clones On One Site?

  • 6/12/2009 17:24:55
  • Will

Yes, that is exactly what I was talking about doing. I sure am glad I saw something shiny and got distracted long enough for you to post it up.

I am happy removing a large portion of the fonts - though I think an ideal solution would be to use the pdf library already in the core.

Re: Multi Oledrion Install... Many Clones On One Site?

  • 6/12/2009 15:07:16
  • david

That's excellent work - whoever made the reduction - although it seems to be based on a slightly older version of the module. So it could do with being updated for 2.31

Re: Multi Oledrion Install... Many Clones On One Site?

  • 6/12/2009 14:38:12
  • 63RD


as far as i know oledrion can allready be shrinked down easily by
deleting the huge pdf part. I am not sure if this is the only thing,
so better not delete it right away but maybe have a look here for a working small(3,27Mb Archive) version.(tested it with icms112final and 1 SSL Cert for everything inside the httpsdocs, so i think oledrion clones should work too. If different Subdomains should be used by a single Certificate, the hoster/registrar must support wildcard* SLL certificates i think.)

hope this helps somehow

The best way to predict the future is to invent it! (Alan Kay)
Good things happen when you go for it! (Alan Webb)
Seek the wisdom of the ages, but look at the world through the eyes of a child.

Re: Multi Oledrion Install... Many Clones On One Site?

  • 6/12/2009 6:52:02
  • Will

I highly doubt you are having memory issues on the server.

1.5Gb guaranteed 3Gb burst.

Re: Multi Oledrion Install... Many Clones On One Site?

I am having some memory issues on the server this morning. I deleted a pretty big site so I could install 1.2.rc2.

I had to dump the tmp directory 10 times before I could delete the whole site.

Now everything is cleaned up I am having problems running unzip it fails.

Re: Multi Oledrion Install... Many Clones On One Site?

  • 6/12/2009 6:31:46
  • Will

no performance issues at 13 - but these clones do not include any products... i only put a single product up.

at 13 clones I am hitting 81db quesries on the index of the site - that is without any blocks from the modules - just the welcome webmaster/admin menu/main menu/themes/search blocks.

having that many clones isn't so much a issue of size, as much as it would be an issue of db queries. If you were smart and conscious of your queries you could pull it off.

the pdf catalogs are a really nice feature - but if you were to write a simple script that hit all the databases at once and transferred your results to the core pdf library - then deleted the pdf libraries that come with the module you would save a lot of room.

25 x 22mb = 550Mb
25 x 4mb = 100mb

that is a pretty significant decrease.