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2008/4/9 10:27:30
Home away from home

Module ImpressCMS compatible: How could we do it?

All of us are using modules in our sites ( for example, 25 in my site). If all make a report for those modules I believe that we can have quickly a big list.
What is the best way? A contact form perhaps? (camps: mysql, php and ImpressCMS release; module release).

2008/4/9 10:30:56
Home away from home

Re: Module ImpressCMS compatible: How could we do it?

debianus - Steve has added a field on Addons for this purpose, to state we have checked the module for compatibility.

I will be turning this into an image - like php/mysql etc - later on

2008/4/9 10:31:05
Home away from home

Re: Module ImpressCMS compatible: How could we do it?

I think formulize is the best option for it

Solved ?


2008/4/9 10:31:23
Home away from home

Re: Module ImpressCMS compatible: How could we do it?

See above

2008/4/9 10:34:28
Home away from home

Re: Module ImpressCMS compatible: How could we do it?

oops, you is very fast


2008/4/9 10:45:45
Home away from home

Re: Module ImpressCMS compatible: How could we do it?

Yes, I see the new camp and it is necessary :); but I am thinking in how obtain that information easily. I could modify 25 submissions (the modules that I use), but we have 160 in the repository.

2008/4/9 11:00:59
Home away from home

Re: Module ImpressCMS compatible: How could we do it?

This information is equal ? If yes, can command replace and update content in database ?


2008/4/9 11:11:54
Home away from home

Re: Module ImpressCMS compatible: How could we do it?

It is only one field - so we could quickly do this between ourselves.

I will add it properly to the page later for you.

2008/4/9 11:37:12
Home away from home

Re: Module ImpressCMS compatible: How could we do it?

Would there not be a way to have the system maybe have a switch to slick on or of images, kinda like Joomla do to show which version of Joomla the extension works on.

When a developer is submitting his work, perhaps they can select with a check box.

Then when a new ImpressCMS version is done modification requests could be made by users and developers alike. Developers could also make their own changes pending admin verification.

2008/4/9 11:53:26
Home away from home

Re: Module ImpressCMS compatible: How could we do it?


When a developer is submitting his work, perhaps they can select with a check box.

The field has been made, so now people can add this when uploading

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