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1/5/2008 2:35:43
Home away from home

[HOWTO] Translating Onokazu Xigg

First u need to download XIGG 1.0.0
Second u need a GNU Gettext editor like PO Edit

Now extract somewhere xigg-1.0.0b1 (xigg-1.0.0), 1.0.0b1 doesn't have any changes except the version number.

Open Xigg_XOOPSCube_all-1.0.0b1\xoops_trust_path\PEAR\SabaiXOOPS.php

on line 154, u have to found

function getLocales()


and the locales, few locales (and this is not the best way of "getting locales"), but anyway...

You will see something like

'de' => array('ISO-8859-1' => 'de_DE.ISO8859-1',
'UTF-8' => 'de_DE.UTF-8'),
'es' => array('ISO-8859-1' => 'es_ES.ISO8859-1',
'UTF-8' => 'es_ES.UTF-8'),

And you have to add your locale as how it comes for your country.
Eg. for Greeks - el_GR.UTF-8, for Hebrew - he_IL.UTF-8 or ko_KR.UTF-8 for Koreans. Then save the changes and proceed with the GNU Gettext translation of the .PO files. After u completing translation, create the following folders.

in Xigg_XOOPSCube_all-1.0.0b1\xoops_trust_path\PEAR\Xigg\locales

create a new folder called


Where xx_XX is your locale, inside this folder create LC_MESSAGES and put the two files created by PO Editor something.po and inside that folder, then rename both files to and xigg.po.

And you are in :)

All language codes listed in GNU Gettext

for some countries like Portuguese, u have to pick between pt_BR ot pt_PT, but in both ways have to finish with .UTF-8. eg. pt_BR.UTF-8 or pt_PT.UTF-8.

NOTE: For Impress 1.0/XOOPS 2.0.18 users, change global variable in /language/your-language/global.php from ISO8859-1. On some HSP set PHP_FLAG to UTF-8 in your .htaccess or wait for the RC of Impress 1.1.

Thanks to:
... damaster for loosing my time once again (Searches some times works, but if everyone sends newbies to the the Search, noobs will gone to something more newbie friendly like ICMS :).
... messy Cube forums
... IBM for the detailed info about Multi-locale Support with UTF-8
... and Onokazu for his great work on Xigg

1/5/2008 2:47:42
Home away from home

Re: [HOWTO] Translating Onokazu Xigg

Impressive collection of activities and research, congratulations for this. Maybe now I will get work properly with this great Xigg module.


1/5/2008 3:18:41
Home away from home

Re: [HOWTO] Translating Onokazu Xigg

For sure u will get it to work :)
Also I've added and list of all common and rare used language codes, from GNU Gettext manual

1/5/2008 3:21:56
Just popping in

Re: [HOWTO] Translating Onokazu Xigg

Please note that Xigg has not been released with a license that allows its modification... (at least the last time I downloaded it). I contacted the maker on this issue as he has a great reputation on free software. Unfortunately, I did not receive a reply until now.

1/5/2008 3:26:30
Home away from home

Re: [HOWTO] Translating Onokazu Xigg

Free for personal use, contact the author for commercial license.

there is nothing about fixing bugs, which are not fixed by the author.

I'm not a developer, but the function GetLocales here, is acting like SetLocales... that's why XIGG have to modified, no matter is it for Standalone use or with ICMS.

1/5/2008 4:46:32
Home away from home

Re: [HOWTO] Translating Onokazu Xigg

Xigg seems like a fine system - so anything to improve it is a bonus

Good work (again!)

1/5/2008 6:14:33
Home away from home

Re: [HOWTO] Translating Onokazu Xigg

Giba and others which plan to use PO Edit, make backups often, I just loosed 2 hours of translating this thingy XIGG...., for sure will replace it with Marc-Andre SmartSection when is finalized....

1/5/2008 6:24:11
Home away from home

Re: [HOWTO] Translating Onokazu Xigg


ep98 wrote:
Giba and others which plan to use PO Edit, make backups often, I just loosed 2 hours of translating this thingy XIGG...., for sure will replace it with Marc-Andre SmartSection when is finalized....

Each person has his personal preference. I need Xigg in Portuguese only to meet future end users.

I think all the modules can better adapt to a site or another. This kind of remark about better or worse is very subjective.

My personal observation and feedback.

Cada pessoa tem a sua preferência pessoal. Eu preciso ter Xigg em português apenas para atender futuros usuários finais.

Eu penso que todos os módulos podem se adaptar melhor a um site ou a outro. Este tipo de observação sobre melhor ou pior é muito subjetivo.

Minha observação pessoal e feedback.


1/5/2008 6:53:58
Home away from home

Re: [HOWTO] Translating Onokazu Xigg


Each person has his personal preference. I need Xigg in Portuguese only to meet future end users.

I think all the modules can better adapt to a site or another. This kind of remark about better or worse is very subjective.

You are right and Xigg is nice module, just make backups :)

... and I will stick with current way of maintaining language files for OOPS - in ASCII .PHP files, it will take about 2-3 years for any oops to move to GNU Gettext and to make a built in translator like Drupal 5.0/6.0.

And u are lucky with your countryman, no matter how down goes from time to time, they're fellow xoopers, and now impress fans, did u see how much time is downloaded Impress 1.0 BG Translation - 0

1/5/2008 7:06:38
Home away from home

Re: [HOWTO] Translating Onokazu Xigg

Your downloads will increase... and the help you're giving is helping us with utf-8 is helping all languages.

1/5/2008 15:27:21
Home away from home

Re: [HOWTO] Translating Onokazu Xigg

Hi ep98, it is a good how to. Please, could you a wiki page with it? ;)

1/5/2008 16:15:49
Home away from home

Re: [HOWTO] Translating Onokazu Xigg

Someone like u with more Wiki experience can do it :)

2/5/2008 0:28:42
Just popping in

Re: [HOWTO] Translating Onokazu Xigg


ep98 wrote:

Free for personal use, contact the author for commercial license.

there is nothing about fixing bugs, which are not fixed by the author.

Well, that is the problem with copyright: it is still valid when there is not there (that is one of the reasons why there is a free software movement). Redistribution of translated files may be subject to that. Having said that, I don't know if the maker will enforce his legal rights.

10/5/2008 3:18:09
Home away from home

Re: [HOWTO] Translating Onokazu Xigg

Very important, announcement on a new version of the upgrade.

Xigg module 1.10 released

see too: Installing the XOOPS Cube module version

Cloning the XOOPS Cube module version


5/5/2009 19:23:52
Home away from home

Re: [HOWTO] Translating Onokazu Xigg


i installed xigg121 on icms112final and it works great with zero errors.
problem: i cant save my po files with po edit.
i can only open other po files, but not save it.
i alwas get an "invalid plural value" error.

could someone share the right values? i tried quite a lot, but none of them bypassed the fatal error when saving.

im looking forward to get this running in german. i just tried the japanese utf8 files and they do work, so i guess the problem that some translation doesnt show up has gone.

could you help me? im a complete noob on po and mo file editing.


The best way to predict the future is to invent it! (Alan Kay)
Good things happen when you go for it! (Alan Webb)
Seek the wisdom of the ages, but look at the world through the eyes of a child.

5/5/2009 22:32:00
Home away from home

Re: [HOWTO] Translating Onokazu Xigg

i can help you and i have a german translation. You need a programm for this like "PO-Edit".


6/5/2009 1:56:03
Home away from home

Re: [HOWTO] Translating Onokazu Xigg

u get this error, bcz u are setting wrong charset probably, it have to be UTF-8, GNU Gettext 2.x doesn't accept anything different then UTF-8

6/5/2009 9:39:28
Home away from home

Re: [HOWTO] Translating Onokazu Xigg

hi rene and ep98!

thanks for your answers.
yes, i am actually using poedit and yes, i also defined utf-8 as charset.
the errors i get say that i'm using invalid nplural and plural form in the catalog options. thats also the case when i open an working po file, do nothing and then try to safe it again.


that would be great!!!
but like with the japanese utf-8 po file, i'm afraid i cant edit and safe it with poedit unless i know what catalog options to choose.

thanks for your advise!

The best way to predict the future is to invent it! (Alan Kay)
Good things happen when you go for it! (Alan Webb)
Seek the wisdom of the ages, but look at the world through the eyes of a child.

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