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2010/12/5 14:23:38
Home away from home

Editor TinyMCE

I've just had a little more time to play with the new system (been out of the loop).

Why when using TinyMC when you hover over the image manager does it give the name "ImpressCMS Advanced Imagemanager"

First of all there needs to be a space between Image and Manager

Secondly, why does it say ImpressCMS?

Surely we should stop this added branding, it should say the site name, this only serves to confuse non tech end users of a website. If you were on a dog grooming forums then ImpressCMS has no meaning to their users.

Onto the next issue, smillies, click the Tiny MC smile button and you see "Insert ImpressCMS emotions".

There not ImpressCMS Emotions.

2010/12/5 14:26:27
Home away from home

Re: Editor Tiny MC

Also, why so many options, WordPress use TinyMC real well.

2010/12/6 9:36:30
Home away from home

Re: Editor TinyMCE

We already have a discussion for the editor that we intend to use in the future.

Anyway, valid points! We can incorporate that in our future plans.

the german icms website :

2010/12/6 9:41:19
Home away from home

Re: Editor TinyMCE

Thanks for pointing that out.

Do we have a thread for messages sent by the system, because the notification that came when you posted displayed the link as the bb code [url=......

Surely it should just show the link?

2010/12/6 10:18:00
Home away from home

Re: Editor TinyMCE


because the notification that came when you posted displayed the link as the bb code [url=......

Dammmm that's a bug.

Which modules are you using? | Dedicated Module Team | ImpressCMS is Redesigning their sites, Join the discussion!

2010/12/6 10:23:49
Home away from home

Re: Editor TinyMCE


Tom wrote:
Do we have a thread for messages sent by the system, because the notification that came when you posted displayed the link as the bb code [url=......

Yes, two:
- ImpressCMS site bugs
- Module bugs

McDonalds Store

2010/12/8 7:15:37
Home away from home

Re: Editor TinyMCE

Is it a module bug or a system bug though...

I added it to the trac anyway but under system as I believe it happens with other modules from memory however I didn't get time to test.

2010/12/9 19:43:53
Home away from home

Re: Editor TinyMCE


UnderDog wrote:

because the notification that came when you posted displayed the link as the bb code [url=......

Dammmm that's a bug.

Well, considering we aren't sending html mail (yet), I'm not sure how you would expect this to be handled - remove the tags?

Christian Web Resources

2010/12/10 0:33:16
Home away from home

Re: Editor TinyMCE

I would imagine it could be handled a few ways:

Remove tag:-

Text - link
Text - (link) <-- my favourite.

Just have link (I wouldn't recommend this one)
Just have the text (I wouldnt recommend this one)

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