20/3/2011 6:47:43
News: News By AuthorQM-B and myself where checking out News the other day - and noticed that the Avatar is not displayed on the newsbythisauthor.php page.
The template definately uses the <{$user_avatarurl}> smarty - and I've tried both with Profile enabled and disabled, and with Gravatar disabled and enabled - but the image name is not carried over in any of these cases.... despite being shown in both the core-user info and on profile user info. I'm really unsure as to why, and how we can get this smarty working correctly Any thoughts on this. This is running with the trunk version of news, and the latest trunk version of 1.3 Edited by UnderDog on 21/3/2011 5:49:34
20/3/2011 7:07:03
Re: News: News By AuthorSorry - the page in question is called by: url/modules/news/newsbythisauthor.php?uid=1
20/3/2011 7:22:17
Re: News: News By Authormaybe one of this parts have been changed?
$authname = $thisuser->getVar('uname');
$xoopsTpl->assign('user_avatarurl', XOOPS_URL.'/uploads/' . $thisuser->getVar('user_avatar'));
Both are from /news/newsbythisauthor.php |
20/3/2011 7:30:08
Re: News: News By AuthorI certainly think it could be connected. The only url displayed is the equivilent to: XOOPS_URL.'/uploads/'
We tried manually replacing the . $thisuser->getVar('user_avatar')); bit with a static image - and this displayed... so something about the getVar isn't working. I tried to compare it with the routine used in Profile - but as that's IPF based - the method was rather different. |
20/3/2011 13:35:47
Re: News: News By AuthorI may have spotted the trouble - in kernel/user.php. try adding the $id parameter to the __construct() methods, so you get this
class XoopsUser extends icms_member_user_Object { private $_deprecated; public function __construct(&$id) { parent::__construct($id); $this->_deprecated = icms_core_Debug::setDeprecated('icms_member_user_Object', sprintf(_CORE_REMOVE_IN_VERSION, '1.4')); } } class XoopsGuestUser extends XoopsUser { private $_deprecated; public function __construct(&$id) { parent::__construct($id); $this->_deprecated = icms_core_Debug::setDeprecated('icms_member_user_Object', sprintf(_CORE_REMOVE_IN_VERSION, '1.4')); } } |
20/3/2011 13:42:12
Re: News: News By AuthorThanks Steve - will add this to the test server :)
20/3/2011 13:47:32
Re: News: News By AuthorYes - its working well in the test server
![]() Can you commit the change? |
21/3/2011 4:15:58
Re: News: News By AuthorI already have - http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/impresscms/changeset/21141