2007/12/10 11:54:35
I think that some modules should be in standard like : news, forums,links,polls etc. and delevoped by core team. |
2007/12/10 16:10:55
Re: ModulesI agree and disagree on this one.
I think there should be some form of content management that is native to the core. Perhaps a "page" functionality with native WYSIWYG. Also a set of classes that enable you to output a ordered listed of recent pages in either templates or blocks. If we are going more in the direction of Community Management Software, then I don't think modules should be bundled with the core. Core devs could still work on Mod dev teams, take Marcan for instance, but I don't think modules should be packaged with the core. Now, if it is decided we move more towards true Content Management, then I would retract the above statement about bundling modules. Provided the modules bundled pertained to content management. (news, document management, blog, etc). |
JMorris (aka James Morris) ImpressCMS Professional Services: INBOX International inc. James Morris Online | Frolicking on the playground that is the Internet... |
2007/12/10 21:35:23
Re: ModulesQuote:
There was some talk of a variation of SmartContent being included. Quote:
A regularly updated set of module packs - such as Sato-sans - could replace this need. Quote:
Agreed - for myself, I would like to see some "basic" - quick start "mini-modules" ... similar to how Drupal (Droopy - as I call it ) does... giving newcomers some simple tools - but allowing them to load more advanced ones. Actually this leads me into another post which I'll make in a moment concerning modules - in the "Future ideas" section... |
2007/12/11 8:33:10
Re: ModulesQuote:
+1 |
2007/12/11 12:17:30
Re: Modules+1
JMorris (aka James Morris) ImpressCMS Professional Services: INBOX International inc. James Morris Online | Frolicking on the playground that is the Internet... |
2007/12/11 12:36:57
Re: ModulesI'm not clear on what the +1's mean. Are we "voting" on whether to include modules in the core distribution, or whether to have module packs?
Of the two options, I'd prefer to have module packs. Including modules in the core distribution gets back to the problem of a core upgrade "downgrading" modules that you've independently upgraded. I guess this wouldn't be a problem if the included modules were maintained by the core developers rather than third parties, or if the relevant third party module developers worked closely with the core developers and kept the modules' code "in sync" with the core. |
2007/12/11 15:07:58
Re: ModulesOk so here is a formal proposition :
We include quick start "mini-modules" so basic user can install ImpressCMS already add some pages. No advanced features. Very simple module to add pages of content. And perhaps other few things we can think of, but we stick to minimal We will also try to have people crating modules pack to help users download cool modules. But this should really be handled by the community, perhaps by the addons.impresscms team ? |
2007/12/11 15:12:06
Re: ModulesWell Sato has already done some very good module packages - which he has ready for download on his site: xoops-magazine
I believe these would be a good start |
2007/12/11 15:19:30
Re: ModulesI vote for module packs. I think this will help to make upgrades easily and to define teams for developing in separated pieces of code more easily too.
I thought one time that would be useful to suggest downloading some modules in the installation process. So when you finish the modules would be installed. But not to download the core and modules together. |
2007/12/11 15:28:55
Re: ModulesJust an idea:
In the download page of impressCMS, we can offer THERE some basic modules packs for people who just want to start using it. for example "Download ImpressCMS", and behind it "Download This modules pack that include News, contact form, etc to start using ICMS", Other way: offer ImpressCMS Core and besides ImpressCMS Core with some modules ready to install. Two packages, one for people that just want to start using it and other for anybody(developers :) )... |
2007/12/11 15:37:45
Re: ModulesI don't know if we will have time to implement it, but there was an installer (i think the XT project?) which would allow you to install modules and themes upon loading....?
2007/12/12 1:05:01
Re: ModulesYes, it is possible in 2.0.18 XT-XM
http://debianus.org/uploads/resized_pic_1_470f5c6ec4b5e.jpg http://debianus.org/uploads/resized_pic_1_470f5c27593ce.jpg |
2007/12/12 1:19:59
Re: ModulesAbout the question there was a very interesting discussion in Xoops Core Dev Team
http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?thread_id=1756785&forum_id=347994 I agree with the core devs that it would be a disadvantage that the modules will be in the release. But we can offer module packages (in the way of Sato-San did) and the possibility of install modules in the instalation process (as 2.0.18 XT-XM). But I believe that would be neccesary make test of the modules included in the packages with the core release. |
2007/12/12 6:01:40
Re: ModulesI vote for modules in standard becouse simple user download icms look how it looks and what he get ? No modules ... look at joomla cms it has ;P
hello |
2007/12/12 19:00:49
Re: Modulesi like the idea of the little modules... +1!
2007/12/12 20:19:12
Re: ModulesGoing back to my operating system example, Windows/Mac OS offers a basic set of utilities - text editor, file manager, media tools, etc. But, the distributors/resellers offer their own distributions of the OS, which include different applications to enhance the OS.
Yes, it will be more work to maintain packages (core + modules), but it also offers a lot of flexibility. As someone who wipes a retail version from a pc and loads with just the base OS, I would appreciate a core-only distribution. But, for someone who wants an out of the box product, a package is exactly what is needed. I would not put the burden on the core team to build and maintain distribution packages. Rather, the modules/addons team or support/marketing groups could bundle and maintain these distributions. |
2007/12/13 1:15:06
Re: ModulesSteve, I think you hit the nail on the head, one of the reasons why some systems have become very popular is that they offer out of the box solutions.
We have several target groups: - developers and consultants with various levels of technical skills - small businesses with little technical skills - medium scale businesses with technically skilled staff The biggest market is the second one: small businesses. 'Ease of use' and 'out of the box' equals a higher product adoption for this group. This group looks more at the product as a whole than at all the components that make the car. For them a product is the core system and a preset selection of modules. And indeed, if they can chose which modules to activate upon installation (by default all) it would be even more easy for them. Consultants and developers might be more interested in using just the core and a few hand-picked modules sometimes combined with custom made modules. To satisfy the needs of both type of users it would be a good idea to offer several solutions. |
2007/12/13 2:57:03
Re: ModulesLet me add some comments.
The process of release of version can always work this way. 1-Only the official version core. Full packarge. 2-Only the official version core. Updates. 3-Version full for new users. Full packarge and modules defaults. 4-Version update with packarge defaults. 4-Versions and customizations. (Analyzing several follow) |
2007/12/13 3:40:36
Re: ModulesGiba has some good comments there.
The easy-module-installer would make a lot of things simpler. |
2007/12/14 8:29:47
Re: ModulesIf you have checked out simple-xoops there is a nice installer / updater to select a module and install it with a click. Nice feature ;)
Predator - Time is a created thing. To say, "I don't have time" is like saying "I don't want to." - Lao-Tzu...... |